Chapter 6

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The next morning I was super excited. Of course, I was upset to think that Luis had left that secret unknown for a year and a half leaving us to think she was dead or at the least alive and hidden underground is some sex torture chamber.

I end up calling Harry as I ate my Fruity Pebbles around 10 in The morning.

He answers with a slight yawn even though it's only 5 in the evening in Italy.
"Good Morning Baby.." He mumbles, obviously stuck in UK time zone. I smile at the name. Godddddd.

"Good Mahurning"I say with cereal still in my mouth, causing Harry to chuckle a bit.

"I feel you've been going on well, yeah? "He asks and I almost say yes but I remember why I called in The first place.

"Actually, Not exactly..." I say trying to sound upset.

"Awh love, do you miss me?" He asks and I bite my lip a bit. Yes. Fuck yes.

"Well, of course," I stare at the wall "My friend is in Milan and I really need to visit her." I finish quickly trying not sound over eager.

"What friend?" He asks as if I don't have friends. Oh wait a minute.

"Um, you don't know her. I promise I won't be breaking the rules with the tours thing. I swear. You'll only have to see me twice."I say nearly begging.

You see, a few years back, Niall had had this fling with these girls on the European tour and long story short, he got girls with any sexual relation banned on the tours.

"Babe, I'm not sure-" He begins but I cut him off.

"So you'll do it?"I ask, hearing him sigh

It was quiet for awhile.

"Yeah sure, I'll break the rules. If I get in trouble, you're taking all of the blame." He says like a 11 year old about to pull a stupid prank on his teacher.

"Oh thank you!Thank you! thank you! I love you so much! I'll see you soon, alright? Love you. Talk to you later babe. Bye! "I say and he could barely get out an 'I Love You' before I hang up.

I stand up,completely neglecting the rest of my cereal and running to my bedroom to pack my clothes.

*Tori's pov*

Today I was especially happy. My life is flooding back slowly. I couldn't stop smiling and because I couldn't stop smiling that cause Sammy and Lilly to raise suspision when I arrived at work.

Lilly was holding a glass in her hand already, Sam was wiping a glass when I walk into work, nearly skipping.

Lilly gave me a quizzical look as I skipped behind the bar,patting Sams shoulder when I passed by.

"Why are you so chipper? "She asks handing me her glass to refill, in which I take with no worry.

"I'm happy! Can I not be happy?" I ask, making her a Bloody Mary considering it was only 10 in The morning.

She shrugs, half smiling at the way I answered.

"And what are you happy about?" Sam asks putting one of the cups down and grabbing another from the sink.

I grab the Broom and skip out to the floor to scatter the dirt. (Our health rating here isn't the best)

"Your cousin," I continue to sweep "He gave me a slice of my life back."I finish and I see him smile slightly down at the sink. He already knew.
"You already knew?"I ask, slightly astonished.

"Well, I was the one Who told him to have Maddy call you.. You were so sad and it's been literally eleven months since that guy-,"He stopped,glancing at Lilly who knew nothing of what we were talking about.

I didn't need am explanation though. I hugged him tighter than I usually do, thanking him in The midst of it.

We then kept on cleaning, the atmosphere less depressing than it usually is.


After work, I go to the store considering I'm clean out of pizza rolls and Tea bags.

I go to the nearest store, Hemsworthings. It's kind of like Wal-Mart but smaller and less toys.

I notice in The parking lot there is a small group of girls. Most likely girl scouts or something. I didn't worry about it, so I just park and walk into the store.
Once I'm in I am stopped by a huge guy in black with sunglasses on. In a building? What the Hell man?

"Sorry, Store's closed temporarily." He says in a deep voice and I look around confused.

"Doesn't look closed to me," I cross my arms, walking past him only to be stopped again.

"Ma'am. The store is closed for private use."He says again and I roll my eyes.

"Listen man, I just need tea bags and Pizza Rolls. I don't care what famous asshole or whatever is in here. Let me get my stuff and I'll be on my way." I say stubbornly and I could see his face turn red in anger but before he could do anything the most familiar voice spoke from behind him.

"Gary, you heard the girl. Let her through. She doesn't seem rabid."

Gary (the scary guy) gave me one last look before moving away only to reveal a blonde guy with a SnapBack on.


Fuckfuckfuck. Abort mission.

"Uh, you know, now that I think about it I think I've got some China Palace brochures at home." I spit out trying to hold back the aching urge to hug him.

"No I insist, go get your things. I'm sorry Gary here wouldn't let you in." He said taking a step forward.

I sigh and accept that he won't let me leave. I knew he wouldn't.

Just don't fuck up.



I have finally updated!
Gosh Ive been so Busy. Jk.

Ive had major writers block.

Well guys, I'm gonna go wallow in my self pity.


( ˘ ³˘)♥ ~♥~

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