Chapter 3

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"How'd you find out anyway?" I ask slipping on my shoes and looking at Liam who was sitting next to me on the hospital bed.

He shrugs and just stares at my hands that we're still tying my shoe laces into bunny ears "The doctor came in and told me that your name was Victoria Rivera. They did a background check and stuff so they could tell if it was just a panick attack or if you had a diease." He explained, taking a long pause afterwards "Can I tell them? "

I look at him as I put my foot back on the ground slowly. I stare at the ground not saying a word as I shake my head no. I then stand up and turn to look at him, "Li, I would love to tell them. To let them know I'm okay..but it would only make things worse. Niall would go insane trying to catch the guy, I would have to face up to my family. It would make life a bigger Hell than it already is. I don't know what I would do. I just want Niall to be happy. I want everyone to be happy." I say, trying not to cry but honestly, I couldn't help it. I let a tear slip down my face.

"I fucked up everything and I can't fix it Liam."

In the matter of seconds Liam was up and he was hugging me. Consoling me. Telling me to settle down and that he was sorry he asked. Telling me it wasn't my fault. Telling me that it was okay.

In reality, I knew it wasn't. I've learned that okay was never okay.

Liam put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me reassuringly. "I'll take you home if you want." He says with his eyebrows furrows together, waiting for my reply.

Before I can answer, his phone starts ringing and he pulls it out of his pocket, answering it. "Hey..Yeah I'm okay." He pauses "Yes, Saint Augustine's. No you don't-" Another pause and a glance at me "Fine. Yeah okay. Bye. " He finishes his conversation and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"Listen Tori, you've got to go." He says. I look at him weird.

"What?"I ask completely confused when he looks at me sincerely.

"He's coming."

"Who is? "

No answer. Just a blank look. He opened his mouth slowly and then he started screaming.

I back up panicked, bumping into the box of needles on the counter. Getting a stray one stuck in my hand and wincing.

Liam continued to shout but the shouting slowly increased to him saying my name repeatedly. I was getting to the point where I was on the ground crying with my hands over my ears.

I was scared. I didn't know what to do.


Then I wake up. I was still in the shower at home. Except it was off, I was in a towel and I was being held by Sam who looked terrified. Just as terrified as I was.

I didn't say anything, I just hug him. I start crying silently and he just carries me out of the bathroom not saying a thing.

He carries me to my room and closes the door, sitting on the bed with me still in his arms. He knew I didn't want to be consoled. We've been through this plenty of times. He would find me passed out somewhere in my apartment, crying, telling or talking in my sleep and he would wake me up the best he could just to bring me a little ways from Hell.

I can feel his thumb moving back and forth in the middle of my back. I could tell he was scared for me. That's just the way Sam is. He's selfless when he feels the need to be.

I look up at him after a few minutes, tears still in my eyes and he looked down at me.

"Why does this happen to me? "I ask quietly. Sam sighs and stands up, setting me on my bed.

"Bad things happen to good people, Tori" He walks to the door "Now get dressed.. I'll take you to lunch."


After I get dressed and get my face as acceptable as it could right now, throwing my hair up in some kind of monstrous bun.

I literally just threw on shorts and a tank top. Being pretty was not my priority at the moment. Nothing was.

Sam took me to this place called 'Jenna Varas' they sold brunch, biscuits, coffee... That kind of stuff. I'll have to admit, they are pretty good. Great food.

I lift the cup of coffee I ordered to my face. Sam was waiting for me to talk. I was going to let him start this conversation.

Five minutes later, my coffee cup was empty and I knew I had to make conversation.

"So how about that weather?"I ask knowing it would annoy him even more.

"Tori. What happened? "He asks. You see, the thing about Sammy is that he cares to much. He doesn't understand that I don't want to talk about it. Who would?

"Sam, it was just a nightmare. It happens all the time. You know that. " The waitress comes and refills my cup "There is nothing to be worried about. "

He looks at me with even more concern than usual "The boys are in town aren't they? "He asks and I put my coffee cup back up to my mouth, not wanting to talk again.

"They are. "He verifies

"Shut up who cares!" I say a little to loud earning looks from surrounding people. I look back down at my coffee "I can't do anything about it. I only have a week until they leave and I still would never be able to explain to them what happened"



Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

School ends in a good week and a half and my first final is on Thursday.


Ive spent all night trying to finish my book report and my head hurts like a bitch.

I also have sunburn and that is making my headache worse. Well, good night guys.


Chase (Sequel to Truth or Dare)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora