Chapter 11; Florida

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‘Dude where are you at?’ Shannon asked him with one raised brow.

‘No were! I’m just tired.’ He lied, feeling bad he didn’t want to lie to them.

‘Okay, so what do you think, about Sówïe?’ Shannon said looking at him. Tomo looked back at him and then over at Jared, trying to thinking about what to say.

‘I think…that if she is hiding something…it’s nothing bad…and she probably just needs time…to find a way to tell us! That’s Sówïe!’ Tomo said thinking about every word he said so that he didn’t say something suspicious.

‘Yeah you’re right, that is Sówïe! I’m gonna go see if she’s up!’ Jared said in a happier voice.

When Sówïe woke up at around 9.15am she had no idea where she were, she sat up and looked around the room. Okay I’m alone in a hotel room. She thought then she saw 3 pair of Jared’s shoes, 2 of his jackets and then his computer and some papers. Okay I’m alone in Jared’s hotel room. She thought and rose from the bed but then her stomach did not agree with her, she rushed to the bathroom. While she was in there Jared came back.

‘Is this a bad idea?!’ she said aloud as she left the bathroom and then she met eyes with Jared. He looked at her with an expression that showed he had heard her in the bathroom.

‘What’s wrong? Are you sick?’ He asked her with a soft worried voice. Sówïe just looked at him not knowing what to say, but she needed to say something, Jared kept looking at her.

‘Nothing’s wrong and I’m not sick. Why?’ She said, trying to play dumb.

‘You can’t fool me, I heard you! Wait a minute…What’s a bad idea?’ He said with a confused look on his face, he moved closer to her. Sówïe hated herself for saying that aloud. Do I have to tell him now or can I find a way out?! She thought.

‘A bad idea?’ she started but then the door flew open and Shannon and Tomo entered.

‘Hey, what are you guys doing?’ Shannon said shipper. Sówïe took a sigh of relief.

‘Nothing ‘ Sówïe said with a smile looking at Shannon, then she gazed over at Jared. He was looking at her with his ice blue eyes, who could make her melt if it wasn’t for the fact that they looked at her as if, they didn’t like her or was disappointed or something like that at her. She couldn’t take him looking at her like that so she turned around and went back into the bathroom. She sat down on the floor back against the bathtub.

‘What the fuck was that about?’ Shannon said to Jared with a confused look.

‘I have no idea! I think she was about to tell me before you two barged in here.’ He said.

‘Okay. I’ll go check what’s happening!’ Shannon said and was about to start walking.

‘No, I’ll do that!’ Tomo said and walked to Sówïe. The door opened and Sówïe looked up to see who it was, she was relieved when she saw Tomo.

‘What’s up S?’ He asked her and sat down beside her.

‘I don’t think I can go thru with this again. I’m just not meant to be a mom! I can’t even seem to find a way to tell him.’ She said and looked at him with a sad confused face.

‘Ohh S, you would be a great mom. However, I can’t tell you what to do, except for the fact that you have to tell him. He deserves to know, whatever it is you decide to do.’ He said looking into her eyes and holding her hand.

‘I know I have to…but it’s so hard, I mean we don’t ever remember that night. Oh god…I love him, I’ve never told that to anyone but holy crap I love him. And I don’t want to lose him or you or Shannon, you guys are my family, I don’t want to fuck that up.’ She said, looking at him and up at the door, as if Jared would be standing there, which he didn’t. She looked back at Tomo with her light blue eyes.

.:Heaven and Hell [Jared Leto]:.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora