Chapter Thirty-three

Start from the beginning

Her office is a pale yellow colour, with lots of fake plants in the corners and on top of book shelfs. Yet, it still smells as if they were real.

I put my shoes on. "I haven't made any significant progress," I say, looking at her.

"You're walking," she points out. "That's a lot more than a lot of patients get to say. Don't be so negative. It takes time to heal."

I sigh, zipping up my jacket. "I know."

Mara smiles. "Is Jude coming to pick you up?"

The mention of Jude makes me laugh. "No, Austin is picking me up and we're going to the movies," I say. Her cheeks turn a deep pink, embarrassed. Jude normally picks me up after my appointments, but only to see Mara.

She helps me stand, handing me the crutches. I readjust them under my arm, beginning to leave. Mara follows me out to the receptionist desk and waiting area, also full of fake plants. Out the window I see Austin's jeep waiting outside.

"Have a great time at the movies, Emma," Mara says, waving.

I leave the building, heading to the jeep. Austin gets out, hurrying to the passengers side to open the door. He plants a kiss on my lips, smiling. "Princess," he says, taking the crutches after I get in. The engine has been running, the heat set to high.

I groan, narrowing my eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"

Austin smirks. "What movie do you want to see?" he asks, changing the topic and ignoring me as he shoves the crutches into the back behind me.

"Something to laugh at," I determine.

"We can get dinner afterwards," he says, getting into the drivers side.

I nod, agreeing with him. "I'd love some tacos and chocolate cake," I say, sighing.

Austin chuckles. "Maybe we should get dinner first," he says, pulling out of the clinic and heading driving towards the movie theatre. "Then the movie."

"I love the sound of that," I say, laughing.

"How was you're appointment?"

"Same as always," I say, yawning. "Exhausting."

"I bet," he says. "So, I have something to tell you."

I turn to face him. "That sounds like a horrible and cliche break up line," I say, raising my eye brow.

Austin smiles. "I'm not breaking up with you Emma. Not after I just got you back," he says, glancing at me. "I wanted to tell you I got accepted into Carleton University."

"What? No way," I say, gasping. "That's amazing! I'm so proud of you! When did you get the letter?"

Austin smiles. "A few weeks ago," he admits.

I hit him on the arm. "You should have told me sooner!"

He shrugs. "We weren't exactly talking a few weeks ago," he chuckles. "And you were having surgery. Its not that big of deal anyway."

I roll my eye. "Its great news, and a big deal! Did you get a basketball scholarship?"

Austin nods, smiling. "A full ride as long as I keep my grade up. So, where do you want to eat?"

"We can go to Boston Pizza," I say, pointing to the sign up ahead. "Did you get into any where else?"

He nods, pulling into the Boston Pizza's parking lot. Its a Monday afternoon, no busy at all. "I got into Toronto University, Brock, and Queens. You know, if you get into Queens, its only a about an hour an a half to Carleton. We'll be able to visit each other."

Austin parks the car, getting out and coming around to help me.

I smile. "You're so sweet," I say, taking my crutches and walking into the restaurant with Austin. He holds the door open, bowing gracefully.

"After you, Princess," he says, earning a glare from me. Walking in, there is a few people sitting at tables and booths, but it isn't packed. The waitress, Iris, according to her name tag, greets us and escort us to a booth.

Austin orders a coco cola and I order a iced water.

"Do you two need a few minutes?" Iris, the waitress asks.

Austin shakes his head. "No, I think we know what we want," he asks, glancing at me. "We'll start with two large pieces of chocolate cake"

Iris smiles. "Okay, great! I'll be right back." She leaves and I chuckle.

"The start to a great night" I say.

"Agreed. And the best part is being here with you."


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