Chapter 5

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"This is hopeless. We've been to almost every place in town and we haven't found Malcolm yet." Roy says in a irritated voice.
"We can't give up. If Nyssa finds him before we do, he's dead." Diggle replied.
"And why should we care if Nyssa kills him or if he kills her?"
"Because its our job as the protectors of Starling to prevent things like that from happening."
Roy was about to respond when Laurel walks over to them.
"Any luck?" Diggle asked.
"I found Nyssa, but no sign of Merlyn." Laurel responds.
"Is it possible that Nyssa killed him." Roy adds to the conversation.
"If she did, she can clean up real fast. I didn't find a drop of blood on her or her apartment."
"Then that's it. He's not in Starling." Diggle replied.
"So what do we do now?" Laurel replied.
"We go back to the Lair and try again tomorrow."
A high wail pierced into the night, waking Nyssa from her slumber. She looks around, but sees no one.
Another nightmare. Nyssa had one every now and then, it was always the same one however. A woman screaming and she would wake up to find that no one was there.
Climbing out of bed, Nyssa covers her nude figure with a robe and walks into the living room. Then she picks up her telephone. She cradles the phone in her hand while contemplate wether to call Laurel. After debating for a few minutes, Nyssa dials the number.
Laurel rolls over and picks up the phone and answers it.
"Hey Laurel. I hope I didn't wake you." Nyssa tells the blonde.
"No, you didn't wake me." Laurel replied, "what's on your mind?"
"I just called to apologize."
"You could have waited till tomorrow and call then."
"Of course. How inconsiderate of me. I'll let you go." Nyssa say sadly. Laurel heard the sadness in Nyssa's voice and stopped the assassin from hanging up.
"Nyssa? Is it me you want to talk to?" Laurel asked in Sara's voice. She still had the voice filter and was hoping that she could cheer Nyssa by talking as her sister.
"Sara. Hello my beloved."
"Hey to you too."
"I've missed you. And I feel helpless without you."
"You're not helpless."
"That's very kind of you to say, but I couldn't even avenge your death."
The line was quite for a minute before Laurel spoke again and she was still talking Sara.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Is Malcolm still alive?"
"Unfortunately, the answer is yes."
"I believe you and so does Laurel. I'll put her back on if you want?"
"No that's ok. Tell I said goodnight."
"Bye Sara."
"Bye Nyssa."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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