Chapter 14

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A/N: If you skipped the last chapter, Dan and Emma basically just stay up and have an AmazingPhil marathon and they were just caught.

The lights are so bright compared to the dark, it hurts.

Phil is in the doorway. "What are you doing here?" he asks. When we don't answer, he yells, "What are you doing here?"

His voice reopens so many wounds. But Dan is more important than anything I could feel.

I glance at Dan. I give him a look that says, 'Now?' He gives a quick nod, barely visible.

I stand up. "Dan has something he'd like to tell you."

-Phil's POV-

Emma's answer stops me cold. What could Dan possibly tell me that I don't already know?

He takes a deep breath, not quite meeting my eyes. "I'm-I-uh," he stutters. His voice is barely discernible from the silence. Dan looks at me. "I am in love with you."

-Dan's POV-

He has no idea how hard that was. His answer means everything to me. Before he has a chance to answer, Emma steps in.

"Dan and I have been talking for a few months," she started. "He's been struggling with--well, a lot of things. How to come out to the Internet, how to come out to you--"

"Dan, I had no idea." Phil's eyes lock onto mine.

Emma turns to look at Phil. "I've helped him all this time. I hope he'll still talk to me, but you have to be there for him." He nods wordlessly.

"I'm going to go, guys--"

"Wait," I say. They both turn to look at me. "One more thing."

Sighing, I get out my guitar and tune it. They don't ask questions. I start the first few chords of my song.

"I love you," I start singing, glancing at Emma. She nods. "But I must love you from a distance,
"I want to know you, to keep you safe from the rain.
"I know you mean well, but I'm in constant pain.
"I'm obsessed, because everything about you is so great,
"Your dimples, cheekbones, personality,"
"I like you,
"Even if you don't like me that way too,
"I like you,
"Cause I always know that your intents are true,
"I love you."

Emma claps quietly and says, "Aww, Dan."

I look at Phil. He's blushing. He nods at me, smiling an adorable smile. His smile makes me smile.

"Dan," Phil starts, "I think I feel the same way."

I look at him, shocked. "What?"

"Yeah." He nods. "I like you, Dan." There are tears in his eyes.

There are tears running down Emma's cheeks too, but she's smiling. "I'll leave you two alone." She heads out the door.

I turn to face him. "Promise?"

He nods. "Promise."

And then we are locked in an embrace. It feels so perfect.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Phil whispers. There isn't a bit of hurt in his voice, just curiosity.

"I wanted to. There were some days I was so close, but I thought you would freak out because I think that would be overstepping the, ah, friend boundaries." When I say friend, Phil squeezes tighter.

I laugh and say, "What, are you a snake or something?" Phil hisses in response.

I start to let go, but he says, "No, not yet," and kisses my cheek.

After a few seconds, he lets go and says, "Night, Howell."

I grin and say, "Night Lester," as Phil leaves the room.

I call Emma. "Well?" she says. "Did you two bang?"

"Of course not!" I say. Yet, I think.

"I think we have a chance," I say. "So thanks for everything."

"That's what friends are for." I am about to hang up when she says, "Promise me you'll still call?" she says.

"Promise," I say. "Bye."

I go to sleep that night blissful.

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