Chapter 9

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Slowly, I tiptoed up the stairs to Dan's room so he wouldn't notice. Then, there were chords coming from Dan's room. Dan was playing his guitar.

"I love you," he sings. His voice was clear and intoned.
"But I will love you from a distance," he sang, but his voice cracks on distance and he starts sobbing. I feel terrible. Did I do this to him?

He had written a song for me.

Of course he had. And I'd screamed at Emma--that alone was bad enough, but I'd hurt Dan's feelings too.

Being careful not to get caught, I tiptoed back to my room.

I needed a nap. I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I heard Emma saying "Just don't call me anymore. Please." all over again. Tears stung at my eyes. I blinked them back.

What was I supposed to do? Be with Dan, or try to win Emma back? I was so confused and lonely and sad. For now, I could only pretend to be that happy, silly Phil that I showed in my videos. I liked that Phil.

But where was he now?

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