Chapter 3

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I wake up to the ring of my doorbell. "Ugh," I mumble.

Quickly, I slip on a sports bra and peer through the small hole in the door. No one is there.

Cautiously, I open the door. At my feet is a roll of SweeTarts and a piece of paper. The paper reads:

Here are some sweet tarts for a sweet girl. Enjoy.
Also, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you called. I'll call you tonight, promise.
-Phil ♡

I press the note close to my chest. It feels good to know that I won't have to stress about calling him tonight.

Groggily, I return to my bed. I sleep in for another hour or so. Then I get on Tumblr again. Then I stare at the phone waiting for Phil to call. Finally, I am back on Tumblr when the phone rings. I answer on the first ring.

"Hey," I say.
"Did you get the gift?" he asks with hope in his voice.
"Yes. I got it. And I finished off the candy in like 10 minutes."
Phil laughs.
"You know," I say seriously, "it was really sweet of you to get me that, even if it was just candy and a note. But it was really cute and thanks for going out of your way to get it."
"You're welcome," he says.

There is an awkward pause.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" he asks hopefully.
My heart rate picks up.
"Yes. I will totally go out with you. Where and when?"
"Um, how about the café on the corner at 6?"
"Sounds good. See you then," I tell him. I hang up.

I race into my closet, trying to find something to wear, even though 6 is like 3 hours away. But it's our first date and I want to wear something special.
Finally, I decide on an outfit.
"Perfect," I sigh to myself.

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