Chapter 2

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I sit on my bed, my phone in my shaky hands. I cross and uncross my legs; it helps me to think. I finger the paper with Phil's number on it. Earlier I was so sure that I was going to call him. But now I feel about 11, not knowing when to call or what to say, and not even entertaining the possibility of my call going to voicemail. A part of me even wonders if Phil is going through the same thing.

I muster up my courage and decide to call him. With shaky fingers, I dial the number.
One ring.
Two rings.
"Hello?" says a male voice on the other end. He doesn't sound like Phil, though.

"Um, hi," I say. "Is Phil there?"
"No, he's out," the voice replies. I kick myself. I knew it was a bad time to call.
There is an awkward pause. "Do you know when he'll be back?" I ask.
"No, I don't, sorry," he says. "Who is this again? I'm Dan, Phil's flatmate. We'll be going to university in New York together..."

"No one," I tell him. "Just an acquaintance. We met at a diner earlier and Phil gave me his number." I don't even wait for Dan's reaction. I hang up the phone.

I sigh and flop down on the bed. I unlock my laptop and scroll through my Tumblr feed looking for something to distract myself with. The next thing I know, I am asleep.

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