First Love

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like the desire to know
and be one
with an aspect of intimacy
withstanding no imperfection


like naivety
to never lose someone again (Ever)
or forget a face
to refuse regret 
in bidding goodbye


I part your hair like rain
saying nothing
and think ... instead of aging
we could very well be
becoming -
let beauty be our only surest
(then, tell me - what couldn't be?)

it is so
before I even blink
and tell you how it follows

 (that Courage)

I've found a new way of needing someone
for the very first time.

12 OCT 2015


Dear Dreamers and/or Lovers, or Mathematicians (jk),

Please let me know how you feel! Vote too! I'd like to think talking to each other makes the whole literary experience more fulfilling. Tell me anything. =)


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