Songs - Marble City

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I was caught in half-lights,
Flickered by a jay
Whose laugh, one day, soft
In texture, half
Spared the weight of (many) yesterdays:

Songs of turtles* 
Setting stores, by metaphysical myrtles
Casting gainly shade, where
Men shuttle by and by
(An inflictive air) ... whereby

Sprig and sprays
Celebrate natal-ity
With nascent vitality ... and delight
Contracting Life to sovereign Ardor -
Absolute, uncompromising Candor

Above millennial water;
Where spring creates sprights, all rife -
In some frills and buckles
Boots pointy, gaits shuffled ... hauling around
The compendium of unfilled books of Life
To collect melodies -

In Marble City, whose 
Conception or construction, princely,
Sets men of harbor or nobility - ever so direly...
Searching ceaseless
For license to gain affection, or perhaps
Dream sadness...


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