Test of ability

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The entire forest of death. The entire forest of death was reduced to nothing more then piles of debris, looking as if all of natures worst catastrophes had hit it...twice. All this, and the battle was not over, having been taken into the surrounding forest outside of the village.

Sabo stood there in a field, still looking well, a few tears and scorch marks on his clothes, but overall well. Naruto on the other hand was not near critical condition, but he was nowhere near perfect health.

"Is that all you've got?" Sabo asked as he grabbed his pole and walked Naruto's way.

"*huff huff* Not at all." Naruto said as he squared his stance and focused. His power steadily raised as a circle of flame raised around him. He jumped up and shot rapid fire flame bullets for a full 15 seconds before twisting in mid air for momentum and threw fire ball after fire ball before putting both hands together and blasting a bigger ball off.

Sabo held his hat down with one hand and brought his pole up with the other hand, twirling it at high speed and blocking the bullets and fire balls. After they were dealt with, he grabbed his pole with both hands and swiped downwards, splitting th last flame blast in half, revealing Naruto right behind it with a huge grin. It was at this moment...Sabo knew he messed up.

Naruto's fist made itself known by Sabo's face as Sabo went flying back, but before he could recover, he was stopped by Naruto's knee. Naruto, still midair, kicked upwards, making him do a full flip before he smashed Sabo's face into the ground with a kick.

'Well...he's fast, I'll give him that.' Sabo thought as he pushed himself up and dusted himself off again. Half of the right sleeve was torn off and his glove was in tatters, so Sabo opted to just remove it. "Getting serious now, huh?" Sabo asked, grinning.

"Oh, I can show you serious." Naruto said as rushed again, throwing a punch. Sabo's right arm turned black as he blocked Naruto's fist with his forearm. Naruto bent his arm, bringing in a elbow towards Sabo's temple, but Sabo grabbed his elbow and flipped him. Naruto was on the floor and dodged Sabo's pole as it repeatedly drove into the ground. He finally swung his legs around, going for a capoeira sweep before flipping back wards and landing.

Sabo was already there, grabbing Naruto's face and driving him through a tree before throwing upwards and jumping after him. Naruto regained his senses as Sabo reached to grab his foot, moving his leg before using his arm as a step to propel himself into the air.

"I mean no disrespect to him, but Ace wasn't creative enough for this fruit!" Naruto said as flames shot out from the back of his hands, shooting him at Sabo. Sabo prepared himself to counter before Naruto erupted into flames and disappeared. Sabo's eyes shot wide when the flame reemerged behind him.

"LEAF VILLAGE HIDDEN SECRET FINGER JUTSU!" Naruto yelled. Sabo turned his head in time to see Naruto give the facial expression equivalent of 'Fuck your couch' as he drove his two finger where the sun doesn't shine. In the span of a second, Sabo went from denial of what was going on, angry when he realized it was really happening, tried to bargain with a higher power to erase this moment from history, depressed when he realized it wouldn't and finally accepted his fate as he blasted off.


Sabo soared high in the sky as he questioned life. If what just happened to him, could happen at any time he wasn't expecting it, what was the point in living? Why live when his anus would be under constant threat?! He reached the peak of his launch and began to descend. He had accepted his fate. He no longer wanted to live in this cruel, cruel world filled with hate, corruption and penetration. Then he remembered his brother! The revolutionary army! He was second in command! He couldn't let his brother, nor his troops grow alone in this horrible world!

".....Wow...he is really up there." Naruto said to himself as he used a hand for shade over his eyes as he looked for Sabo. Then he saw a small gleam as Sabo came at him like a meteorite. "Ohhhhh....this is bad." He said to himself as he slowly started backing away.


"WHAT?!" Naruto yelled in response to accusing statement. He then turned tail and began booking it, but Sabo used his pipe to change direction mid air, aiming straight for Naruto as he landed the drop kick of all drop kicks into Naruto's back. Thank Kami, God and Zeus this is an anime or his spinal column would have turned into dust, or his body would have just exploded. Sabo made Naruto fall forward as he rode on his back like a surf board for several feet before jumping off.

Naruto stayed in his position for several seconds, wondering what in the hell just happened. The second his face hit the floor, he had actually been knocked out. His face felt as if it had skidded for several feet before stopping in this hole he had been grounded into. His body was still adjusting to waking up caved in to the ground as he felt a weight lifted off him, like someone got off of him. Oh right, he was fighting.

Naruto pulled his arms out and pushed towards the ground to get the rest of him out. He tried to straighten himself out as he spit out dirt and comically swiped at his tongue to get the taste out. The two stared at each other.

"One attack?" Naruto asked.

"One attack."

Naruto jumped back as he began powering up, his whole body erupting in flame. Sabo ripped the rest of his right sleeve off as he crouched down, activating his armament haki on his right arm and his hand imitated claws. Naruto put his hand up as a small flame erupted, rapidly growing in size to the point it dwarfed both Naruto and Sabo.

"Super Nova Mk. II." Naruto said with a grin.

"That'd be bad if it hit he ground. I'll show you something great as your defeat." Sabo said as he hugged a tree and lifted it out. He threw it high into the sky before he jumped up, matching it. He used it as solid footing and launched himself off of it, his arm stretching out ahead of him. Naruto pushed forward, driving the Super Nova Mk II forward. Sabo pierced through, yelling as he proceeded through the gigantic fire ball, emerging out of the other side and surprising Naruto as Sabo's hand was the last thing he saw that day.


Whaaaaaaat? Just a day after the last update? Yeah. I'm awesome. Don't know why you would question it. Anyways, show this chapter some love! Please vote and comment! Till next time, PEACE!

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