The Oldest Brother

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Naruto was currently in the forest of watching. He was laying down on a branch just looking out to the clouds and relaxing. "Well today was certainly eventful, wasn't it?" He asked himself.

"It most certainly was 'Mr.Namikaze'."

Naruto nearly fell out of his branch from surprise. He looked to his right to see a branch right next to his and saw the Jounin Anko sitting there.

"God damn it, you damn near gave me a heart attack!" Naruto said, holding his chest and panting.

"So you can knock out almost all of the council, but you can't sense little ol' me?" Anko asked, giggling a bit. Not a fangirl giggle, a short joking giggle.

"I can sense people with intent to kill, people who don't intend to do the deed usually slip past my radar." Naruto said. Anko suddenly appeared in front of him, bending over to get in his face.

"So who do I have to kill to get some attention?" She joked with a sly smile. Naruto, the complete badass, was reduced to a stuttering mess. "What's the matter, never seen a woman before?"

"I-I-well-st-put this on!" Naruto yelled as he suddenly took off his jacket and put it on Anko reversed so it would cover the front of her body. She just stood up straight and laughed. She removed the jacket and gave it back to him as she sat on the branch and looked in to the sky.

"So what brings you in to my neck of the woods?"

"Yours?" Naruto asked.

"...there's literally a sign all around this section saying, 'Anko's neck of the woods." She replied with a deadpan stare.


"Well you're strong, but I see you're still an idiot." Anko laughed. Naruto sighed at the response.

"Well this is the only place for some peace and quiet. Since the stupid villagers found out I was a Namikaze I've been bombarded with families trying to get their daughter married to me.when I got back yesterday they were scowling and avoiding me, now they praise me."

Anko stared at him, "Isn't that what you wanted in the first place? Isn't that why you wanted to be Hokage?"

Naruto shook his head, "Yeah, at a time. I wanted a family, I thought that, as Hokage the village would become my family. But I heard of a group similar to a village called Baroque works. Family is more than just being a leader, it doesn't matter if you see someone as family. You aren't until they share that feeling." Naruto said. Anko busted out in laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's just you were such an idiot as a kid, I would have never expected hearing those words from you." She said still chuckling, till she completely stopped. "Damn that makes me feel old." She said as she glared at the ground, then pointed at Naruto.

"You owe me some dumplings for reminding me of my age!" She yelled.

"What?! How?!"

"Because! Besides, we can make this work. Me being around you wards off the girls at the price of you buying me dumplings." Anko pointed out. Naruto opened his mouth to argue, but then thought about it, closing his mouth.

"That's what I thought." She said as she fell back and flipped before landing on the floor, Naruto following her example as the two walked to the dumpling shop. Neither even noticed three figures on another branch in the mid distance.

"So what do you think of him boss?" A feminine voice came from the first voice, the figure on the left.

"Hmm...He seems alright. So he's part of my little brothers crew. I see why Luffy cho-never mind, he probably heard that he was a ninja and instantly wanted him to join." The figure in the middle said as he was crouched.

"He couldn't be that rash, could he?" The third figure asked.

"Trust me. Luffy's stupid. Great in battles, but ultimately stupid." The middle figure said.

On the other side of the world, said captain was...under the an air bubble...fighting a kraken...because he was hungry. He suddenly sneezed, nearly popping his air bubble and dooming himself.

"So what happens now?" The third figure asked.

"Well, not only is he part of Luffy's crew, but he has Ace's fruit. I have to test if he's worthy." The middle said as he dusted his coat and straightened his top hat. He was about to jump off but was grabbed by the other two.

"Wow! You can't just go like that!" The third figure said.

"What? Why not?" He asked as the two struggled to hold him back.

"Because the village is full of ninja? You're strong but you can't take a whole village single handedly yet!" The first one said.

"What? Why not? I'll just punch them hard." The middle figure asked again.

"Kami, you're not related by blood but you're both the same level of stupid." The first figure said as she rubbed her temples.

"Tell me about it." The third figure said as he winded his arms, eyes closed. Their eyes shot open as they realized their mistake and looked down to see him gone.

"Oi, Blondie."

Naruto turned around and saw a well dressed man in front of him. He wore old time noble clothes that proved he wasn't from the Elemental Nations. He had a long pipe on his back and wore a big top hat that covered his...blonde hair.

"Wait, you're a blonde." Naruto said with a deadpan face.

"And?" He replied with that same stare. The two continued the stare off with the both of them making a weird face.

"I refuse to break." Naruto said, maintaining the look.

"That won't stop me from winning." The other said. "Oh wait." He said again as he actually stopped the weird face. "Hahaha, I forgot what I was trying to do." He laughed as he scratched the back of his head.


"The names Sabo. I'm Luffy and Ace's older brother."

Naruto immediately took a defensive stance. "Bullshit, Luffy told me Sabo died when they were kids." Anko noticed this and imitated him, getting in her own stance. Sabo pointed at a scar over his left eye.

"I survived the explosion. I had complete amnesia and joined the Revolutionary Army. I didn't regain memories until...Marineford." Sabo said. Naruto visibly flinched at the mention of it. Remembering their greatest failure. It wasn't something he wanted to do willingly.

"Anko. Please go to town without me."

"What?! Like I'm just gonna-"

"Just do it! This is a separate matter. Please keep anyone from entering the forest." He said as he threw of his jacket, revealing a tattoo of the Straw Hats Jolly Roger on his back in the same manner as Ace. Anko stayed still for a few seconds before scoffing.

"You still owe me dumplings." She said as she hopped away.

"Don't blame yourself. Before Luffy came along, Ace and I fully discussed what could happen if we continued down the path." Sabo said with the voice of a leader, holding his hat over the top part of his face.

"Ace is also what brings me here." Sabo said, returning to look him straight in the eyes. "My sources say you have eaten the flame flame fruit." Sabo stated. Naruto twitched at hearing that.

"So it's true." He said, dusting his coat off and pulling his gloves on further.

"...What happens now?" Naruto asked.

Sabo grabbed his pole, twirling it in his fingers before throwing it at Naruto. Naruto leaned back to dodge, but was surprised at Sabo's speed, catching up with the very pole he threw, and smashed downwards, smacking Naruto down to the ground before Sabo grabbed his leg and threw him at a tree.

"Now, I make sure you're worthy of having Ace's power." Sabo said as he dashed at Naruto.

Yooooooo, Dovahkiin Samuel with another chapter. Please vote and comment! Need reading material? Check my other story's! Till next time, PEACE!

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