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Naruto returned to a absolutely trashed  apartment. The door was kicked in and everything was either broken or a mess with graffiti like 'DIE DEMON!' or 'PIECE OF TRASH!' Naruto wasn't pissed off, he wasn't angry, he was simply...disappointed. He crossed his arms as Sasuke appeared behind him.

"Those motherfuckers! I told them this place is off limits! Wait till I-"

"Sasuke. It's ok."

"LIKE HELL IT IS!!! You're to freaking soft when it comes to these assholes!" Sasuke argued.

"Sasuke, they hate me. I was gone for two years, this is to be expected. The real question is, is the academy open tomorrow?"

"Wha- well yeah it is. Why?"

"There's a group I haven't said hello to yet." Naruto said with a smile.

"Naruto, there are literally a load of rooms at the Uchiha compound, hell you could live there if you want." Sasuke suggested. Naruto agreed to sleep there for the night and they walked back to the Uchiha compound, catching up and talking of the future. Many of the villagers were conflicted at seeing their prodigy be so kind to the demon, but rumors of him being the Fourths child was spreading.

The younger teen girls who didn't know of their parents hate, in turn making them have no hate for Naruto, were blushing or blasting off to the moon at seeing the two together.

"So Naruto, got anyone out there?" Sasuke asked with a sly smile.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked giving a closed eye grin, which was obvious that he was acting. Sasuke laughed and put his arm around Naruto's shoulders.

"C'mon man, I know you know that I know you're bs'ing right now. Who's the girl."

"Na man, it isn't like that...maybe it would have at one point...but she couldn't be in a relationship." Naruto said a little sad. Sasuke then cursed himself in his mind for bringing it up.

"Uhh. Well. Shit happens." Sasuke said. 'Yeeeeaaaah. Nice choice of words Sasuke. Now I sound like an asshole.'

Naruto laughed. "Thanks for understanding Sasuke. Shit does happen and I was kind of tired of people trying to comfort me." Naruto replied with a smile.

'Huh. Good job Sasuke, nice choice of words.' Sasuke thought as he mentally high fives himself.

"Now that that's out of the way, where exactly am I going to sleep?" Naruto asked as they entered the Uchiha compound.

"Well. Anywhere. The whole compound has been cleaned and maintained once a week by a maid/butler service. You could sleep in Itachi's old room, or if you feel awkward, you could even sleep in another building." Sasuke said. Naruto saw Sasuke's eye slightly twitch at mentioning Itachi. "Also*ahem* if you find any questionable things they aren't mine." Sasuke said, looking away and blushing slightly.

Naruto laughed at what was just said. "I'll pay you back for this. I really appreciate it." He said with a bright smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you're in tip top condition. I wouldn't want you to make excuses when I beat you." Sasuke joked as he walked to the main branch's building. Naruto ended up walking in to a random building and found a room to his liking, setting up his stuff and having a much needed rest.

"Ok kids, class dismissed. Remember, train at least an hour today, tomorrow will be this semesters finals." Iruka talked to the kids. "Konohamaru, please stay a second." All the kids left except for the Konohamaru corps, Konohamaru because he was told, Udon and Moegi because they refused to leave their leader behind. Their idol taught them better than to leave a man behind.

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