Chapter 8

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- Author's Note - Thanks and sorry to you readers! I have decided that I will keep going with this story, so I will try to update more frequently but I'm starting to get busier as the summer goes on! Once again, thanks. I apologize in advanced, this chapter is short!


I downed my entire beer in three large gulps and a wipe of the back of my hand. Plopping down in the seat next to Gerard and Ray, I sighed a happy sigh. It felt so good not to worry about anything for once. I lived for Friday nights, not a care in the world and to be with my friends.

I looked at Frank and raised my eyebrows as if to say 'Gimmie another bottle, now!' and he got the message. He tossed everyone their second and passed around the opener once more.

After my second, I gulped down a third, as did everyone else. After my third, I was working on my fourth.

Mid-swallow I began to feel giddy and choked on a giggle. A smile creeped over Mikey's lips and he let out a silly chuckle, which I found incredibly humorous and bursted out with another laugh. Then I heard Frank's distinct giggle along with Gerard's cackle. Ray went along staring, his lips slightly parted drooling a bit, eyes moving from each of us.

Why wasn't he having a good time? I reached out and poked his cheek with my finger.

"Yo, Torosuar!" I slurred, hiccuping and busting into a new fit of giggles. "Get it, Ray? Torosuar?" I stood stupidly, glass bottle dangerously dangling in my unpredictable grasp.

Ray hiccuped and broke into little spurts of laughter. All five us stood, surrounding Frank's table giggling stupidly at eachother.

"I know! I know!" Frank raised both of his hands in the air before continuing. "Let's play truth or dare,"

Everyone agreed. (Turn on sarcasm here) That game is always fun to play and the outcome is ALWAYS positive. (switch saracsm off) The last time I played truth or dare I had to throw a potted plant at my neighbor. And the time before that I caught a bad cough because I was dared to passionately makeout with a doorknob.

"Okay. I dare," I thought for a moment before deciding on the perfect dare. "I dare Mikey and Frank to kiss!"

Mikey stared at me wide-eyed and shocked. I guess he was sober enough to realize what I just said wasn't exactly the most logical. Gerard, Ray and I laughed as we watched Mikey's expression.

Frank, having been too drunk to be concerned about what he was about to do, turned to his side and put his hands on the side of Mikey's face. He pulled Mikey forward until their lips met. The rest of us, stared in shock. I didn't expect them to actually do it!

By now, Gerard started giggling like a maniac at his brother and best friend shoving their tongues down eachother's throats. I was unable to surpress a snort as Frank and Mikey finally broke apart.

Mikey stood completely still, not moving a fraction of an inch for a good five seconds after Frank had moved away. Frank was now chuckling along with the rest of us. Slowly, Mikey joined us again.

"Now, I dare Ray to - " Sadly, we would never find out what Ray's fate would have been because the doorbell rang. All of us exchanged glances, silently asking eachother to get the door. I sighed and shakily stood up.

I made my way tipsily down the hallway and swung the front dor open to reveal a little boy who looked about 7.

"Your not Frank," No shit, Kid. He looked up at me, holding his batman action figure by his side.

"I'm his friend, what do you need, squirt?" I could tell I spoke slowly and misspronounced things but the little boy was able to understand. He pushed past me and went straight into Frank's house.

"Frank! Fraaank!" He screeched at the top of his lungs, head swiveling around in search of Frank.

"Hey, bro." Frank appeared in the hallway. "What's up?" He said, squatting down, almost tipping over but steadying himself.

"You said I could come over and play Batman," The little boy whined, waving his action figure around in the air.

"Oh, yeah...listen. How about you come over tomorrow instead?" The kid nodded sadly as Frank led him toward the door.

"Bye Frank!"

"See you, Josh." Frank shut and locked the door behind him. Oh, Josh. Frank had told me all about his "annoying" neighbor. I personally though Josh was adorable.


1 hour later


I was curled up in a soft blanket on Frank's couch watching a movie in which the main character's name remained unknown to me. I couldn't pay attention, I was falling asleep. It wasn't that late at all, maybe 9:00 at the most yet I felt as though I could fall into a deep sleep right now.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on Gerard's shoulder before drifting off, just like the last time but a lot less awkward since we were all drunk and I knew Gee a lot better now.

Suddenly, there was a 'Ding!' and Frank reached into his pocket and yanked out his cellphone. He quikckly read a text and a frightened look took over his features.

"Guys," He said, still looking at his screen. "Oh shit, my parents will be home in two minutes. And there is a ton of beer missing from the fridge and we are all as drunk as fuck. We are all so screwed,"

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