Chapter 6

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Mikey stood up and slowly made his way over to Gerard. He reached up and grabbed the beer bottle out of Gerard's hand.

"Gerard," Mikey spoke calmly. "You promised me," As soon as the words were out of his mouth Gerard's eyes instantly darkened and his face dropped but he kept silent.

Mikey occupied the seat that he was in before, taking the half empty bottle with him. He sighed again. "I thought you would keep it this time! I thought maybe you would think about me and how I feel when you drink!" Mikey stood up and his voice raised. "You don't know what it's like to go into your brother's room to find him passed out of the floor with an empty bottle in his hand! I have always looked up to you, Gerard! And when you get drunk, it disappoints me knowing that you get fed up with reality that you purposely knock yourself out."

I saw that Mikey had tears in his eyes now. He was fighting to keep them from spilling out. He sounded so sad and hurt.

"Gerard, you promised me that you wouldn't drink anymore. And now you broke that promise. It's no different than it was 6 months ago. It's hurts me, Gee. Don't you love me?"

Mikey was crying now. Gerard stood in the doorway of his closet looking ashamed and hurt. I didn't know what to do. This was no doubt something between Mikey and Gerard, and I didn't want to get involved in something where I don't belong.

I stood up and threw my arms around Mikey. He was so skinny and lanky. So frail and fragile. So broken and hopeless. I tightened my arms around his skinny waist. When I pulled away, I wiped the tears from Mikey's eyes.

"Please don't cry, Mikes." I whispered. He nodded and took a deep breath.

The only sounds that could be heard was all four of our sighes. Gerard's voice came out of nowhere.

"Mikes, you know I love you more than anything. And I'm so sorry that I broke my promise." His voice was barely louder than a whisper. I looked at Gerard, he looked like he was on the verge of tears as well.

"Sorry isn't good enough. You can't just say 'sorry' and your problem is fixed!" Mikey spat. Mikey pulled out of my grasp and waltzed out the door. It slapped just shut with a bang and we heard Mikey stomping up the stairs.

I had almost forgotten about Frank when he stood up and glared at Gerard.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He snarled at Gerard. Frank's voice was full of venom and he had fire in his eyes. "I could have helped you," When he spoke these words, he was laughing. He reminded me of one of those insane villains that laugh like hell when the hero dies.

"Shut up, Frank!" this was the first time I had ever spoken something mean to Frank. I recoiled from my attack-like stance when Frank turned his angry eyes on me.

"Oh, yeah, defend your drunken-druggie boyfriend who gets wasted and stoned every night!" I had never heard Frank be so downright rude. I stared at him disbelievingly, unable to believe what he just said.

"He's right..." Gerard spoke softly again, his eyes glued to the floor. Frank chuckled darkly and shook his head as he took the same path as Mikey and headed upstairs.

Gerard was still standing next to his closet.

"Gerard," I said. My tone wasn't angry or dissapointed. It wasn't confused or scared. It was curious and comforting. I wanted Gerard to know that even if Mikey or Frank weren't here, I was. Gerard moved away from the closet and sat down on his bed. He took and deep breath and began his story.

"6 months ago I had a really bad drinking problem. It was every night that I passed out in my room from drinking too much. I couldn't stop. I knew it was bad, fuck I knew it was terrible! I. Just. Couldn't. Stop." Gerard took a shakey breath as I sat down next to him.

"Why?" I asked, pushing some hair greasy black from his face around his ear.

"I guess I was depressed. I needed a temporary escape from reality. I was so tired from the insults and teasing. It was too easy to get my hands on the beer, too. My dad keeps loads in the store room." He sniffed as he explained that the beer was kept in the room next to his in his old house.

"And Mikey stopped talking to me. He was mad at me for being so irresponsible and pathetic. He was disappointed in me for being so weak and stupid. I promised his that I would try to stop. I did good for a while. I only got drunk on weekends and not very often."

"That was about 2 months ago. Right before school started. Before we moved and everything. Mikey was proud of me. I was proud of myself. But then I started again, about 3 weeks ago. It was the same as half a year ago. I'm no better than I was. And worst of all I hurt Mikey and I broke my promise."

I shifted closer to Gerard as we both started crying. My arms snaked around his shoulder as his tears spilled over and he began to sob.

I felt so bad for him. I had no idea what it was like to be him, but I could imagine.

Gerard suddenly stood up and snatched the empty beer bottle from the floor. He flung it at the wall and it shattered and the tiny pieces fell to the floor.

Gerard turned to me again.

"Help me," he choked out. "Please,"

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