Chapter 3

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It's now Friday. Im in a pretty happy mood considering that me, Frank, Gerard, and Mikey have been getting along pretty well. I was extremely relieved that it was finally Friday, now I had the whole weekend to spend time with my new friends, even though I had homework to do.

It was just me and Mikey sitting at our regular lunch table when Gerard and Frank sat down beside us.

"What is that?" I asked, a bit scared, pointing at Frank's lunch. The school lunches were always nasty and never tasted (or even looked) like the food they were supposed to. Frank grabbed his fork and stabbed the ovular object on his plastic tray. Lifting it up to inspect he said,

"The lunch lady told me it was a hotdog but I'm pretty sure it's not.."

The meat was almost purple. It was silent for a few seconds as Frank continued to stab his...lunch. Then the silence was broken by Gerard.

"You guys want to come over after school? We could watch movies, play video games, listen to music?" HELL YES! I wanted to go over Gerard's house. I played it cool so no one would suspect anything. Though, Frank did know that I had the biggest crush on Gerard.

I shrugged and told him I was pretty sure I was free. Frank nodded his head.

The second half of my school day was absolute torture. My teachers seemed to drone on forever and my notes would never end. Finally the bell of last period rang and I rushed to my locker.

I found Frank standing by my locker when I arrived. I greeted him a 'hey' and spun my combination, eager to pack my things. While shoving random notebooks inside my backpack, I heard Mikey and Gerard walk up behind me.

"Hey Max," Gerard smiled.

"Hey Kid," I put my arm around his waist and he draped his over my shoulder. My stomach erupted with butterflies. I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling.

Gerard began leading me out of the school and towards his house.

"So you live close to the school?" I asked.

"Yep, go out if the parking lot, go straight then make two lefts and you're on my street." He explained pointing toward his house with his right hand.

Mikey and Frank were trailing behind us and I heard them arguing.

"It's Moosi.."

"Actually I think it's Mooses,"

"Mooses? Yeah, right. Moosi."



Frank and Mikey bickering escalated in volume. Then Frank ran up to Gerard.

"Gerard, what is the plural of moose? Please tell Mikey that it is Mooses,"

"Fuck off, it's Meese," Gerard corrected. "Whats the point of arguing over that anyway?"

The topic of arguing over silly things carried us to the Way house. It was your typical brick style house with two floors.

We walked inside and Gerard led us into his basement.

"Welcome to my cave I call my room," He swung open his door to reveal a small room with drawings and sketches hung all over the walls. The floor was scattered with comic books and CD cases. There was a single beam of sunlight that shown into the dark room.

"Cozy," I remarked.

All four of us piled onto Gerard's bed. It sunk under our weight. "So what movies do you guys have?" I asked Mikey. I hoped they owned more than me, I had literally 6 movies.

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