Chapter 4

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It was incredibly hard to go to sleep. Every time I shut my eyes I saw his face. Is this what it was like to be in love? To spend every waking minute of your day thinking about the one person? Could it even be 'love'? I only knew Gerard for five days. But in those five days I knew a lot about him.

At that point I stopped arguing with myself and forced myself to think about other things, like how much homework I was going to not do over my weekend. Suddenly my phone buzzed on my nightstand.

I already knew who it was; Frank. He had trouble sleeping some nights so he would text me until he eventually grew too tired and gave in to his heavy eyelids. The text read,

Frank : I can't sleep. What's up? R u still at Gee's?

I typed back.

Max : No I left a little while ago, and nothing's up...can't sleep either.

Frank : oh rly? Nothing's up? Cuz I was texting Mikes....

Oh shit. I made a mental note to kill Mikey when I saw him next.

Max : oh...and?

Maybe if I played dumb, Frank would think Mikey was lying about me and Gerard.

Frank : he says u and Gee like..kissed

Max : oh.... Yeah

Frank : ?? Did u??

Max : yeah, I'm going to sleep now...

Frank : oh okay. Um Max? Are u and Gee like together now?

Max : er.. no I don't think so

I turned my phone off and sighed. Why did Mikey tell Frank? I hoped that could have stayed me and Gerard's secret but Mikey came waltzing in and now Frank knew! Oh, well.

Hopefully Frank won't tease too much. I laughed at the thought of Frank being serious then tunred on my side and attempted to sleep.

Eventually I feel into an un-easy rest and woke up to the light shining in from my window directly onto my face. The warmth felt so nice, I just closed my eyes and thanked God it was Saturday. I could just rest and hopefully get together Gerard, Mikey and Frank.

I guess I never realized that Frank was so important to me. He was the brother I never had. I met him in the middle of summer one night at a music shop, we got talking and it turned out we went to the same school. I was so happy that I had finally made a friend. Frank was one year younger than me though, I was a junior. It didn't matter, he was my first best friend.

I then reached over and grabbed my phone from my nightstand and turned it on. It was on low battery. While plugging in my charger I checked the messages, no voicemails but two texts. One from Gerard and one from Mikey.

Mikey : I kinda told Frank about u and Gee last night. R u mad at me? xoxo - Mikes

Gerard : What are you doing tomorrow??

Both texts were from last night. I replied to Mikey first.

Max : I'm not mad, I guess I would have told Frank anyway

The more I thought about, I WOULD have told Frankie about me ad Gerard. As I was saying before, Frank is my best friend, I tell him everything. I then replied to Gerard's text.

Max : sry, just got your text. I don't think I'm doing anything today. U?

After hitting the send button, I decided to get dressed for the day. I settled for some grey skinny jeans and black and white striped hoodie. I straightened my cherry red hair and slipped on my converse.

I checked my messages again.

Mikey : Cool, so r u free today?

Max : Gee just asked me that too, we could all hang. I'll txt Frank?

Mikey : coolio, I'll tell Gee. Time?

Max : half hour so, 10?

Mikey : kk. Wanna meet at Calloway park?

Max : sure. C u there :)

I then texted Frank.

Max : hey Frankie

Frank : hey

Max : wanna meet at the park at 10?

Frank : sounds cool. Meet ya there

I shut my phone shoved it into my back pocket. Trudging down my creaky wooden stairs and almost tripping over my loosely tied shoelaces I grabbed a poptart and began to munch on it. I spied my iPod on the counter so I jammed one head phone in an ear and cranked the volume up. Nothing like eating a poptart and jamming to Green Day first thing in the morning.

I made my way leisurely to the Calloway County Park. I loved the way everything looked in the fall. I could stare at the orange and red trees for hours just watching the leaves fall and cover the ground in a carpet of flames. So I took my time, just enjoying the crisp air filling my lungs as I sighed.

I sat on a bench near the entrance to the park. It was 9:48 so I wasn't expecting anyone yet. I placed the other earbud in my ear and just listened to music for ten minutes.

I saw a finger in black jeans, and black hoddie approaching me. His eye-liner smudged around his emerald eyes. Frankie.

"Hey, kiddo" he giggled.

"I'm older than you, KIDDO," I retorted smirking.

"Whatever," Frank stopped walking in front of me. "Want to go see a movie?" He jerked his head toward the cinema across the street.

"Didn't we get kicked out of there?" I asked, straining to remember as I stood up as well. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.


I jumped slightly and turned around to face Gerard. A smirk playing at his lips. "Gotcha,"

"You know I hate being scared!" I pouted.

"Actually I didn't until now," Gee pointed out, then I noticed Mikey was standing behind Gerard a few steps.

"Relax Mikes, I don't bite." I held up my hands to show him I came in peace. He smiled.

"Alright, I believe you," Mikey joined our little circle.

"So where do you guys want to go?" I asked everyone. Frank shrugged, Mikey made a thinking face and Gerard started 'hmm'ing.

I then noticed that Frank looked slightly annoyed. He was just his cheerful happy self two minutes ago, before Gerard and Mikey arrived. But why was Frank angry, he liked the Ways! Just when I thought I could finally have a normal life with friends, I kiss Gee, Mikey sees, and now Frank is mad for unknown reasons.

"Want to go to that cool music store downtown?" I heard my own voice say. I didn't even think about speaking and I don't know where the idea came from. I haven't been to the music shop in ages! The music store that me and Frank met.

The three agreed on the music shop and we all started walking along the sidewalk. Gerard and I walked side by side by Mikey and Frank walked in front of us, catching up on things.

"So, you play any instruments?" Gerard's voice broke the silence and pulled me out of my confusing thoughts.

"I used to play piano a bit, but not so much anymore." I explained. I didn't even own a real piano anymore, just a keyboard that hadn't been used in a while. "How about you?"

"Giutar a little, I can barely play." Gee seemed to get lost in thought for a moment.

I noticed as we carried on with our conversation Frank kept glancing backward over his shoulder at us, an annoyed look on his face.

Okay, what is up with Frank?

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