They are Disappearing 1 by 1

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Sorry for not updating last week. So this week I'm going to attempt to write 1100 words in this chapter, to make up for that. If I ever do it again, then i'll make up for a long chapter like this one.


Garroth's POV

I can't believe I just spilled all the information on how I met Aphmau to a 10 year old! I mean, am I that desperate?! I don't even know anymore, all I know is that I feel exposed. The little girl Irene has jet black hair and the pinkest eyes (A/N not the sickness, pink eyes as in eye color)anyone can ever have. We were sneaking in the fortress, emotions were overwhelming me, Aphmau.. she can't... no I can't think like that, it'll only waste time.


3rd person POV

Both men and the girl walked towards the fortress. Garroth realized how was the girl gonna stand a chance if she doesn't have amour. He looked at her and said

"Um... I-Irene, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything but... how are you going to stand a chance if you have no what-so-ever protection."

Irene looked at Garroth smirking

"Don't worry about me, these stupid shadow knights have found me before, but with the help of my magicks they were dumb enough to fall for "me" being caught."

Irene said

"Well, just because you saved yourself once doesn't mean you are able to do again."

Laurance said

"Don't underestimate me!"

Irene said loudly

"Hey, shh! Be quiet. We don't want them knowing that we are here."

"If you shut up then I'll shut up."

"Hasn't your mom taught you manners?"

Garroth said irritatedly

Irene looked at Garroth, almost about to cry about what he had just said

"Oh wait... I'm so sorry Irene. I didn't mean it."

"Being in the nether for nearly 3 weeks doesn't make you a nice person ok! All it does is make you bitter!"

Irene said while fighting back tears. She didn't want to show them weakness, not right now.

"Let's get off that touchy subject and focus on what we are actually here for"

"Yea... I agree with Laurance."

Irene said while wiping away tears

Irene maybe be small but she is one tough cookie (~Said by the narrator) The 3 were confused, the nether fortress was confusing to navigate through. Irene, Laurance, and Garroth were all pondering to themselves. No one wants to joke, talk nor whisper because they didn't know exactly what to talk about. Laurance was reminded of bad memories, while Irene was scared to death. And Garroth? He just wants to get Aphmau and run as far away from the nether as possible. Thinking they outsmarted the knights of the shadow, Laurance was the first to disappear into the darkness.

"W-Where's Laurance?"

Irene said with fear drilled in her voice

"I-I don't know, We should stick together alright Irene?!"

Garroth looked around. Irene was the second to go.


Garroth started checking every room, every entrance. Only to find nothing. "Great " Garroth thought to himself. He checked one last room, just for him to pass out with no cause. All of the sudden, 2 shadowy figures appeared dragging Garroth towards the other 2.


Aphmau's POV

From a distance I saw 3 bodies. I didn't know who exactly were the people but I know it isn't going to be used for good. I kept looking in the direction where the 3 bodies were, I was trying to figure out their facial features. I saw Sasha get 1 of the bodies and dragged it towards the room I was in. The figure has familiar shaggy light brown hair. The person opened his eyes only to reveal he was LAURANCE?!?! WHAT THIS CAN'T BE!! NO, NO NO NO NO, NOOOOO!! They didn't care about me! Then why are they here?!?! He coughed and looked just to see a smirking Sasha.


Sasha was now grimacing

"None of your business! Now go to sleep little Laurance." (A/n heheh I wonder where I got that from heheh)

She snapped her fingers and automatically Laurance was dead asleep. I figured that if Laurance was here than the other 2 bodies were Garroth and Dante. But wait? One of the bodies was much smaller than the other and the last time I saw Dante and Garroth they were not that short and small. I wonder who the smaller individual was? My ghostly self looked over to Laurance. I wonder if he is seeing things like how I am seeing things. One thing that worries me is the plan Sasha said when I was in the cave. I remember her saying that she was planning to make Laurance forget his past so he can gain his immortality or something like that. I just really hope he clings on to his sanity. Again. Sasha grabbed once more another body. She dragged the specimen into the same room but instead of putting the person into a alter she put the individual into a cage. I looked over to the cage, this person has sandy blonde hair. Heh, I know someone who has sandy blonde hair. I look over to the cage again to realize IT WAS GARROTH!!! Great both of my guards are captured in the nether. A thing everyone wants! RIGHT?!?! Sasha left the room and didn't even bother to get the other person.


Laurance POV

Great I'm having one of those dreams where Garroth, Aphmau, and I were on vacation at a beach sight. We were also with Kawaii~Chan and Brendon and few others. I kept offering Brendon to rub sunscreen on his back to save Kawaii~Chan from the awkwardness of doing it. I hear Aphmau snickering trying not to laugh out loud. Brendon didn't like the idea so he ran away while I chased after him.

*dream continues in Laurance's mind*


Irene's POV in 3rd person mode though

Irene had nightmares while she was knocked out. She kept reliving the scene where she saw her family die in front of her (I know gruesome). She remembered the last time she said "I love you" to her family. She remembered following the shadow knights into the nether and not being able to get out for the 3 weeks. Irene remembered how she discovered she had magicks. She remember being found by the knights of the shadow. More horrid memories from her past. Irene did not exactly have the child-friendly childhood she wanted. It was dark and gruesome. You would think the name "Irene" would give blessing and good luck but it did the opposite for Irene, all she got was dead parents and scary childhood.

AlyssaCanSmile-(Ok say it "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS END IT ON CLIFFHANGERS?!" I'll be honest I don't know how else to end chapters. But hey! you got a 1000 worded chapter!! WOO HOO. If I ever don't post on the weekend then I punish myself by writing an extra long chapter the next week. Torture for me but fun for you! I honestly don't know how mentally love and many more do it. HOW DO THEY UPDATE EVERYDAY?!?! THAT WOULD JUST KILL ME! I don't update on weekdays because, I'm really busy during those days. Let's just say that 7th grade isn't easy. Yeah... school stresses me out. Anyways HAVE YOU SEEN SEASON 2 ALREADY?!?! I KNEW LEVIN WAS GOING TO LOOK LIKE GARROTH!! GAHHH!! DANTE HAS A KID!!! ALEXIS AND KYLE ARE GAURDS!!! ZOEY WHY YOU GIVE UP IMMORTALITY (Jk jk I know why she had to do it) THESE PAST 2 EPISODES OVERWHELMED ME WITH EMOTIONS. Im gonna make a rant book so it won't waste book space on this book, so stay tuned for ALYSSA'S BOOK OF RANTS. Anyways sorry to keep you waiting, hopefully this extra long chapter makes up for it ;)

-AlyssaCanSmile <3

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