Looking for Aphmau

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Laurance POV

When I was in Aphmau's room I didn't get that pleasant sensation. It felt familiar, dark and evil. Garroth and I were on the look out. The villagers where still asleep. Not knowing the events that had just happen. We were looking everywhere! And it wasn't the simple slow walk, we were sprinting, and it kept my adrenaline pumping. I still can't believe the one I unbearably love is missing. Now I can't blame the guard from Meteli from losing his lord. I felt so ashamed of myself, I can't believe I let Aphmau go. The one night I wasn't worried something was going happen, HAPPENS! UGH!  I look over to Garroth and he was distraught. I knew he liked her, he admitted it after I asked him a series of questions. 

"You know Garroth, when I was in Aphmau's room, I felt a similar feeling, it was dark and evil like I-I was back in the nether"

I shuttered

"Well now we know I'm not the only one who stutters, and it doesn't take to be a shadow knight to feel the same way." 

Garroth agreed

"That's going to be the first and only time I stutter, ok Garroth. I don't want to be like you."

"Good I don't want copy of myself."

"I'm different from you in so many ways. I admit my feelings unlike you."

I said obnoxiously

"H-hey w-we are not gonna go through that subject again!"

Garroth said nervously

"Enough fun talk, we need to look for Aphmau."


Aphmau's POV

I'm waiting here, I'm waiting here, I'm waiting here. I'm in the same routine, I hear Gene and Sasha talk, I get bored and fall asleep. I should of fended for myself while I was talking to Zane. I knew something was off with him. He never really seemed right, mischievous, if I do say so myself. He was very edgy. Well, now I know why. Zane was a stupid shadow knight. How else would he be able to transfer me back to where this trouble began in the first place! Ok enough ranting about Zane, I need to find a way to wake up from my motionless body. I was only lucky to wake up right after Sasha left the room. Well speak of the devil, Sasha just entered the room right when I just thought about it. I seriously jinxed myself big time. She walked over to me.

"You little... trying to escape... ahh wait I can't be rude to a fellow future shadow knight."

Sasha said with a smirk on her face

With out intending to I spoke in my ghostly form, and my physical form spoke back to her.

"Stupid descendent of  Lady "IRENE". Aphmau, If your heard all the things us shadow knights plan to do, I swear when you wake up I will cut out your tongue from your mouth, so you aren't planning to do any funny business!"

Wow, harsh much? Please I would rather... I uh... actually I want to keep my tongue. Ok head lets talk about another topic! Wait! Ugh... never mind Sasha had to grab me. She carried me into the nether portal. And off we go, to the depths of the nether. Now I'm in a bigger pickle than I was before. Ahh... get it, never mind I used the pun in the wrong time. 


Garroth's POV

Every minute Aphmaus not here, time just slows down. Dawn was just reaching, we looked for a whole night.

"Laurance, I know you hate this subject but do you mind if we use your senses as a shadow knight to find Aphmau?"

"Fine but I'm not going to like it."

After that all I did was follow Laurance. We ran a good 3 miles. Then suddenly Laurance stopped in his tracks. I looked up to an opening to a cave.

AlyssaCanSmile77-(Yeah this took longer than expected. Heh yeah... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! But hey! I did Laurance POV! For some reason I feel more comfortable doing the Garroth POV than the Laurance POV. Maybe it's because I'm a Garmau shipper. Ahh whatever, until next time! BYEEEEE!)

Aphmau as a Shadow Knight?(A Minecraft Diaries Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now