Chapter 12

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I woke up this morning, feeling slightly different about the atmosphere. Like it has been invaded. I sat up i my bed and admired the scenery outside a little and then started to scan my room... on my mirror i was written like what appeared as blood "WHAT LOVELY EYES YOU HAVE..." I jerked out of bed, got a hand cloth and started to clean it off. How did she get i here. After cleaning it, i quicky ahowered and got dressed in a pair of stockings and a short black dress and doc marts and walked out of my house grabbing a few slices of chocolate bread.

I got into my car and started the engine and backed out of my parking space a little too quickly, and a speeding car headimg towards me and missed me by a little bit becaise i quickly moved forward. "Idiot!" I shouted at the other driver, he shouldnt even speeding in such a narrow lane. I drove out and started driving towards school and checked the rear mirror to see if any car was begind me, but that car was completely gone. I looked again,"what the....." some start to my day.

When i reachee achool i quickly walked in and headed to home base, i just wanted to be around people. I sat in class, as far away from the window, i didnt even want to look out. Liam walked in and sat next to me,"Ana, youre really starting to look pale and skinny."why does he keep telling me this? "Well im eating and i cant do anything about my coulour can i?" "Are you alright?" He asked. "Some idiot almost crashed into my car while i was backing out." "Woah are you okay?" I nodded. I wasnt feeling so well today. "Hey, do you want to go back to the antique store to see of the old lady got anything?" I agreed.

"Okay class, announcements announcements, Friday is three days away and then you will be off for your holiday. Off course there will be holiday asaignments, and if you do not do them, you will have to serve a week of detention. Understood? All thoae of you who are travelling, go to the office and fill up the form that you will not be in the country, not state children, country. Thank you." The office always gets forms that tell them that they are going to the other side of the country. Which is hilarious.

I just got out of english class, and i felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Ryan to meet him at the back of the shool gym. It was a really quiet place, no one really went there. And a lot of people disnt know it existed. It was kind of a nurse room, but its hardly used and the door is always unlocked so we could go in there. But there have been a lot of cases of Ivy shagging guys in there. Slut cant control herself.

I sneaked into the gym, and made sure no one saw me. I walked to the back and called out, "Ryan, you there?" Silence, and the air started feeling chilly. And then i heard footsteps, and instinctively touched my necklace. And Ryan put his arms around my waist and said "boo." "You so dont scare me." And then he kissed me on the cheek. He unpacked a couple of beef sandwhiches and diet coke, and we started eating. For some reason i was getting really hungry lately. Ryqn watched me devour the massive sandwhich "what. Im hungry." And he said,"im glad to see you eat thats all." I smiled and took a gulp of coke.

"Do you want to follow Liam and I to the antique shop later? To see the old lady?"

"Yeah, i want to."

"Maybe she could protect you too."

We were sitting on the nurses table. And finished the rest of our sandwhich and just sat facing each other. Then Ryan got off the table and stood in front of me and wrapped my legs around his waist, and lifted me off the table and started spinning me. "Ryan! Are you trying to make me throw up?" And we both laughed and he stopped. "You smell nice." And i looked down but smiled. "You dont have to be shy..." i moved my eyes to look at him and he started to move his head lower to my lips and placed me back on the table. And we were making out and he put his hand on the upper part of my leg. Then we holted to a stop because the bell rang.

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