Chapter 8

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Wooh chapter 8.... :) Please comment and vote.... :)


"Well, isnt it a nightmare to see your face this early in the morning." Ivy said as we were unfotunately walking alonside on the way up to our home base, it was kind of an assembly, just a little smaller and more personal. "Hey..." Biki sat down next to me. "Hey! I was wondering, would you like to grab a bite after school later? Just to make a friend, i could show you around town?" She looked at me and pushed her hair behind her ear,"sounds good. I will meet you at the main gate?" I nodded and focused my attention on Mrs Cage.

"Okay class, as you all know, your summer holiday is coming up soon and even though the weather is not on our side. None the less, i am glad that i will not be seeing you for a solid month. Durimg your holidays, please do not hold any innaprpriate parties.... and...." i wasnt paying attention to anything else she was saying, and i started gazing out the window, i never really noticed the giant oak tree just outside our window, i stared a little longer and something seemed misplaced in the whole image. Then i realised, standing a metre behind the tree was the lady. I gasped and covered my moth and started to move away from the window, and the lady in black raised her hand and started waving at me. Oh my god, she was waving at me.

I was frantically shaking and ran out of class, and Liam came after me, "are you okay?" I couldnt speak, i was so shocked and afraid at the same time that i had forgotten how to speak. "Ana, are you okay?" I looked at him, and i could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes,"... she found me..." the only yhink i could think of to say at the moment, i was in so much shock that i couldnt think of anything else to say.

Later on, Ryan came up to me during lunch just after i got out of the bathroom.

"I heard what happened. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, im fine." I really wasnt, i was so scared she would be waiting for me at home.

"Im not going to let you be alone tonight." He said, with an overprotective tone.

"No, you dont have to-" I wanted him to, i couldnt sleep alone.

"I want to." And he lifted my by the waist and kissed me. Which kind of calmed me down a little.

"Oh, i have plans with the new girl after school today. Could i meet you at my place around 6?"

"Yeah, i will wait for you."

The rest of the day was a dread, usually i would be very excited about art class, yes i drew, it wasnt anything near Picasso or Dali, but it was kind of how i let go. But today, all i could do was draw the lady in black and i couldnt think of anything else to think about. I was walking out of school, and saw Biki standing by the gate, she was really tall and pale, but it complemented her dark hair and eyes, and even though she looked really dark, she had an amazing smile. "Hi, are you ready to go? I'll drive us there." She nodded and followed me to my car. We got in and turned on the heat, for some reason, the weather just kept getting worst.

We finally reached Mr Bennetts Diner, i parked my car along the road and got out as the same time as Biki. When we got in Mr Bennett greeted me,"Hey Ana, long time no see! You look like you've lost some weight, well you've come to the right place!"

"Hey Mr Bennett, i have been a little busy..."

"Its okay, what can i get for you girls?"

"They have amazing burger and fries, and their milkshake is from heaven." Mr Bennet smiled at asked,"same order for the both of you?" Biki nodded and i smiled. My Bennett walked away to clip the order.

After a few moments of silence Biki spoke,"I..... um..... i saw the lady just now."

I looked up at her,"You can see her?"

"Yeah, i saw her waving at you. I know this may really freak you out" she held my hand "but you have a clinger, its the kind of spirit thatwill get closer to you everytime and once it has you it will kill you."

I moved my hand,"how do i get rid of it."

"For now, just make sure you always have company, try not to spend any time time alone, and you need to return what you took, with sacrifice."

I looked at her confused about the last part,"what... i didnt-"

"Yes you did, something from her."

I thought about the vines, but i could imagine bringing a sacrifice to the house again. I didnt want to co back there.

The waiter came with our burger, fries and milkshake, "here are your orders ladies, enjoy." I gave him a faint smile. I needed to change the mood,"So.... I started, whats up with you an Liam?" Biki blushed a little, "nothing..... hes really sweet."

I looked at her smiling while biting onto her straw,"uhhuh, nice... well hes into you, hes a real gentleman and fortunately hasnt slept with any of the female student body. I will make sure he asks you out." "Really!?" Biki sounded excited about it, so i definitely had to do it.

I checked the time in my car, 6.02pm, he must be there already. I got a text mesaage just when i was about to park my car on the driveway and checked my phone.

[One new message]


Recipient: unknown

I couldnt move, i was so afraid, i looked out my car window and saw Ryan sitting on my porch. I got out of the car and ran to him, i couldnt help it but started crying, he brought me into my house and up to my room. I layed on the bed and showed him the text. "Whoever is doint this is really sick." I told him everything Biki told me and he said we would retun the vines and gove a dead chicken soon.

For the rest of the night we just layed there and he made me laugh with his stupid impersonations, he then jumped on the bed and my laugh started trailing off. I was lying my my side facing him and wearing a plain white shirt and blue shorts with a pair of high knee socks. He then placed his finger on my hip and started to move my shirt upwards, i looked down, cause i started breathing faster and i could feel my body temperature increase. He moved his hand to my face and kissed me on the forehead and then my nose and went to my lips.

I felt so calm and normal, i never knew that even though we hadnt labelled the relationship, he still showed thathe cared in public. He then put his hand under my shirt and just rested on my waist. Which was comfortable.

Then he whispered,"lets sleep." Then he kissed me and wrapped his arm aroumd me and i felt his chest press against my back. And i felt safe. Like nothing could touch me. I eventually dozed off.

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