Chapter 5

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Oh god, is it really monday morning already? I thought to myself. I slammed my alarm clock, and flipped open my phone *2 NEW MESSAGES*

[Message 1:] Hey honey, breakfast is in the microwave, dont forget to bring your lunch, i went to the grocery store, love you! xx mom.

You would think that with a new phone she would stop putting her signature at the end of a text message.


Recipient: Unknown

I dropped my phone onto my bed. It must be one of those bitches in school just trying to pull a fast one on me. Didnt matter. I took a nice hot shower, much needed since i was still half asleep. Then i pulled out a short denim skirt and a plain black top that was fitted to my body. I threw over a leather jacket and put on my black converse and went down to shove whatever food there was into my mouth.

As i was just about to finish my apple juice, Jessica called."OH MY GOD, tell me its true, tell me you slept with Ryan Mathers, the sex god incaranate."

"I didnt sleep with him, there were no sexual activities involved."

"Sexual activities, who says that? How old are you? 50? Whatever, the whole school thinks you guys are dating, which is awesome, could you put on a little make up at least? So you dont embaress the title?"

There was a long pause, i was too tired to do anything."yeah yeah.... fine."

"Yay! I love you! See you soon my little slut. Muack."

Jessica was one of a kind, she never cared about what other people had to say. She had long curly blonde hair, slightly taller than i am, bright green eyes, and was a cheerleader, so you could guess what her body was like.

I climbed up the stairs again to put on some mascara and shiny lip balm that i could bring along. And raced to the car.

Jessica leaped onto me when i got out of the car and asked me a million questions that i couldnt bother answering any of them because they were mostly about his penis which i knew nothing about. Liam came up to me with the same greeting as before,"hey beautiful..." I looked at him and smiled. And then he stood in front of me, "are you wearing makeup?" "Yup.... why? Is it bad?" "No, not at all, quite the opposite actually." When i walked through the school doors i felt like everybody was staring at me, i couldnt take it. The whole time i was looking down and my hair protected me.

The bell rang, finally, first period was biology, that means Ryan. I walked into class and saw ryan at our table with the box of vines on the table. I walked up to him and said,"hey..." and he smiled, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek."hey." And smiled. At least he wasnt one of those jerks that would pretend that nothing happened. Mrs wimsley walked into class and said,"greeting class, i hope your weekend was used wisely. I expect to see your finding on the table."

While everyone was taking out their plants, i showed Ryan the text message that i recieved."i got one just like that too." The time of the message: 7.52am "and at the same time." We didnt really talk about it much, just brushed it aside and said it must have been someone from the school.

"Mmm...... blood vines." Mrs wimsley said as she looked at what we had. "Very interesting, blood vines are called that because these vines would usually eat animals, and therefore the colouration would come from real animal blood. I would like to know what animal was last consumed. I am very pleased with you. Good work." Her voice was shaky, but it was a pass from her. We sent in the plant to our biology lab professuer to do some test what blood it was,"i will let you know by wednesday." He said, looking over the glasses that rested on the tip of his nose.

Ryan walked next to me put of class and pulled my arm "see you after school?" He whispered. "Theres an ice cream place out of town, and its phenominal." I smiled and whispered back,"why are you whispering?" He laughed and said,"i dont want stalkers." And grinned at me. He told me 3.30 at his car and i agreed.

During lunch, i took out from my bag what my mom had packed for me, baby carrots, hummos, a chicken sandwhich and a low cal brownie, yum. Liam was munching away on nachos and Jessica was having a salad and a sliced apple. A couple of girls walked up to our table, but all the attention was directed to Liam, one of the dolls spoke,"Hey Liam, are you free after school today? I think i need a ride, and i heard youre really good." What does that even mean, Jessica and i rolled our eyes at each other. "No thank you ladies..." Liam turned down the offer, we knew he would, he was a gentleman.

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