Chapter 13

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"Alright, so we're looking for a really tiny 130 pound kid that also looks like he could be a serial rapist," Fin said. "Doesn't sound too hard to me."

"Very funny," Nick said. "Now let's focus. That teacher said he should be on his lunch break. But it's way too crowded in here to be able to pick out any kid from a crowd, let alone a small one."

"Here, let's just ask somebody. One of these kids has to know who he is, I don't care how much of a geek he is."


"Here, these kids look like eighth graders. Let's ask them," Fin said, walking up to a table of pretty girls, all wearing make-up and low cut tops. They looked like they must've been 7th or 8th graders, only about five years older than Zara. Nick desperately wanted to buy them all some make-up remover and some sweaters. Turtleneck sweaters.

"Hello ladies," Fin said smoothly, and if Nick didn't know any better he would assume the man was flirting. "Do any of you know where we could find Ben Whiting?"

"Yeah, I know where Ben sits," one of the blondes said. "He always sits in that corner table by himself. Perfect view of his little crush Kayla. She always sits at the table right across from him. It's so cute."

"I know, isn't he adorable? Omg, I just love him," another blonde said back.

"So cute," another one chimed in.

"Thank you ladies," Fin said, walking away in the direction the blonde pointed him in.

They spotted him right away, and as soon as they got close enough to get a good look at the boy, everything immediately made sense.

He was stick skinny, maybe a little more than 130 but not much, and pale as a ghost. Mousy brown hair was shaved into a buzz cut, accentuating his features. He had almost feminine features, actually, including big lips and a funny upturned nose. It wasn't that he had bad features, actually, they just didn't fit his face. He had a tiny head to match his tiny body, and beady little eyes. Nick could see why the girls thought he was so adorable, though. Not in the way of attractiveness, but...just one look at him, and Nick wanted to make the kid a sandwich. He looked so puny and helpless. Certainly not capable of carrying out a rape...right? Nick was having doubts already, even before Fin went and sat right down next to the kid as he dug into his yogurt.

"Can I help you?" the boy asked meekly.

Nick could've rolled his eyes. This was a waste of time. The boy couldn't even look them in the eyes, he was so shy.

"Yeah, I think you can. My name is detective Tutuola, and this here is my partner detective Amaro," he said. "And we're going to need you to come down to the station with us to answer a few questions."

"....Am I in trouble?" the boy asked, frightened.

"That's what we're trying to find out. Now let's go."

Neither of them bothered to cuff him, there was no way this kid was making a run for it. He looked like he was about to pee his pants.

Fin walked him out with a hand on his back and shoved him into the cruiser, a little too rough for Nick's liking, and he had to resist the fatherly urge to ask the boy if he was okay.

"That was unnecessary," Nick muttered under his breath.

Once Fin shut the door, he walked over to Nick, who was struggling to unlock the passenger side door.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked bluntly.

"If you're thinking that there's no way this kid pulled off something even close to a rape twice, than absolutely."

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