Chapter 12

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"What the Hell was that all about?" Nick asked. Fin just continued to walk past him, brushing him aside like he didn't see or hear him.

"Seriously, man, what happened in there?" Nick asked, running to catch up with him. He had never seen Fin walk so fast.

Fin finally reached the end of the hallway and was forced to turn around, looking at Nick with cold eyes.

"That kid...didn't you hear what he said? He thinks girls want  him to rape them. Sick little bastard-"

"I know, I know that- but you can't just go crazy in there. He's still a kid. He's 14 years old."

"I think that's what pisses me off the most," Fin admitted. "If he's like this now...what's he gonna be like in 10 years? A serial killer? Kid's messed up. No conscience whatsoever."

"I know."

"It's like he doesn't even have a soul."

"I know."

Nick stared down at his shoes.

"You don't have to go back in there if you don't want to," Nick said quietly. "Olivia should be back soon, I can have her-"

"No, I'm cool," Fin replied, eyes still dark. "I can do this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I can handle myself," Fin snapped.

Nick just nodded as they walked back to the interrogation room in silence.

Once they were a few feet away, Nick noticed the kid wasn't just sitting in the metal chair like he was before. As they got closer, he realized the kid was standing at the wall, knocking on the one-sided glass. Soon he wasn't just knocking on it; he was pounding on it.

"Hello?" Hello?!" Mark shouted. "I know you guys can hear me! I've seen those cop movies!"

If the situation was even remotely funny, Nick might have laughed.

"Hello?! I got to tell you guys something! It's important! Hello?!"

Fin smirked as he opened the door to the interrogation room. "You really are an idiot, aren't you?"

"Laugh all you want, man," Mark said. "But I think I just solved your case."

"So you want to confess," Fin said.

"What? No!" Mark said. "For the millionth time, I had nothing to do with this. I didn't rape anybody, and I sure as Hell didn't try to shoot up the school. But I think I might know who did."

"Who? You got a name?"

"Yeah. Ben Whiting," Mark said. "Man, I can't believe I didn't realize it before...."

"Don't get distracted, now. Who is this kid, and what reason do you have for thinking he's involved?" Fin asked.

"He's our team equipment manager. Real goofy looking kid, and really skinny. Total nerd. He's had a really creepy crush on Kayla for as long as I've known him. Like, stalker level."

"In what way?"

"Follows her around everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Offers to carry her books to every class no matter what. But the guy's literally on top of her every second her boyfriend leaves. He'd never flirt in front of him 'cause he's a big pussy, but the second the guy leaves he's on her. I know one of the guys on the team had to say something to him once 'cause he was making her so uncomfortable."

"So this Ben Whiting won't take no for an answer."

Mark snorted. "That's putting it lightly. And after he asked her out and she rejected him, things just got worse. Now it's like he's obsessed with her. He's convinced he's still got a shot even though she's been dating that Will Brennan kid since forever. It's messed up."

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