The Heartbreak

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Cody had been looking for Sierra, since she was not in her bed. He slowly slipped down the vine and continued to call Sierra.


Then he heard Sierra, Cody looked up, she was in Duncan's treehouse, but why? Cody climbed up the vine, maybe they were talking about the 5th season of Total Drama again.

But no, instead, Sierra was making out with Duncan! Cody trembled. How could this happen?! Cody was so shocked, he fell onto the wooden floor and wailed in despair.


Cody woke up and sighed with relief at the sight of Sierra sitting on his bed. It was all a dream!

"Cody! Chris came in and put a TV right next to my bed! We can watch Total Drama on the TV!" Sierra said cheerfully. Cody smiled at her cheerfulness. 

"I'm going to get us breakfast from the boat" Cody told Sierra, and he got up and left.

Days passed by fast, simply doing nothing but watch Total Drama Island with Sierra in the treehouse. But the next morning, Cody woke up and Sierra was gone again! Cody slipped down off the vine and saw Sierra picking a flower. Cody blinked and realized it was actually Courtney, what was Courtney doing with a flower? Then, she started plucking the flower.

"He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not?! AH, SON OF A-"

Cody ran off continuing to search for Sierra, then he stopped. Sierra was with Chris and several other contestants, some he'd never seen before. 

"Okay, the only contestants left are Courtney, Heather, and Alejandro. Where are they?!" Chris yelled. "I'll look for them" said the redhead next to Sierra. Then she took off.

Alejandro sat in Heather's bed next to her, his face in her hair, breathing in her warm scent while she was sleeping. They argued constantly about the 5th season of Total Drama, but he loved watching her sleep like an angel...


Alejandro jumped and Heather bolted up from the bed. A redhead was in their treehouse. 

"It's me, Zoey" the redhead said "Chris needs you two!"

Cody kept watching Chris and the contestants until Sierra's eyes met his. "Codykins!" Sierra squealed. Chris turned around in shock. "You're not a contestant, Cody" Chris said rudely. "I don't care!" Cody yelled.

At the end of the day Sierra was in the treehouse by herself, watching Total Drama World Tour. She was watching the episode where they went to Easter Island. She was enjoying the episode until Cody started talking in the confessional.

"And, hey, if she insists on handing me the million, who am I to stop her?"

Sierra gasped.

Did Cody only want her for the million?! Was going to be a contestant in Total Drama All-Stars not a good idea? Because Cody would want the million if she won?! Tears started rolling down her cheek. Cody's using her! Sierra decided to confront Cody.

Cody was walking through the jungle island, he just had to make sure no Black ants or any other bugs he was allergic to were close by.

"Hey Cody."

Cody turned around, it was Gwen! 

"Hey Gwen! What are you doing here?" Cody asked. 

"Oh I just wanted to talk to you..." Gwen said slowly as if to stall time. Then her eyes adverted somewhere else for a brief moment.

Sierra stopped. Gwen was glaring at her, why was she talking to Cody? Then Gwen kissed Cody, Sierra's eyes widened with hurt. 

"Cody?!" Sierra cried. 

Cody pulled away from Gwen and his eyes widened as well. 

"Sierra! It's not what it looks like!" but too late, Sierra had already ran away, fighting back tears. Cody turned around, Gwen was gone.

How could this happen?! Cody fell and started pounding the mud with his fists, he messed up so fast, he didn't even realize it. He broke Sierra's heart. But still, how could this HAPPEN?

Gwen then climbed up her and Duncan's treehouse. 

"Done?" Duncan asked.

"Done" Gwen responded.

"Good. A dork like Cody will never get a girl, especially a heartbroken fangirl!" Duncan chuckled.

Cody couldn't bear to go back up to his and Sierra's treehouse, but he got up and saw Sierra blocking the entrance. 

"Sierra?! What are you-"

"Sorry Cody" Sierra hissed. "But this isn't your treehouse anymore, money hog."

Cody was shocked, where did money hog come from?! Cody sighed and slowly went down the vine. He looked and saw that Sierra had thrown his stuff out of the treehouse.

Cody miserably picked up his stuff and left. Why? Cody thought. Why?

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