The Prank

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"Sierra? Sierra? Sierra! There you are!"

Cody finally found Sierra, she wasn't on the ship, she was on the beach, arguing with Chris, while Chris appeared to block Sierra. "Just let me at least LOOK at the new contestants! Please?!" Sierra begged.

"NO" Chris said firmly, "They need to focus on their challenge!"

Cody then untied his shoes, took them and his socks off, and jumped off the boat and landed on his feet, the water was shallow. he ran through the water and approached Sierra.

"CODYKINS!" Sierra squealed.

"Cody, will you please tell your girlfriend to get back on the boat!" Chris said, with a glint of amusement in his eyes. Cody felt hot, and was tempted to punch Chris's smile.

"Sierra, come with me" Cody sighed.

"Okay, Cody!" Sierra responded.

Meanwhile, Courtney was walking in the hallway, sighing with misery.

I've lost everything! Courtney thought with grief. Duncan, Alejandro...I was too mean, too bossy, I can't believe myself! Courtney then passed by the cafe and saw Heather flirting with Alejandro.

For once, Courtney felt like a shell of her former self.

"So, do you want to do something, Sierra?" Cody asked.

"How about...putting Duncan's hand in really cold water while he's sleeping?" Sierra suggested. Cody gave her a surprised look.

"Really?" Cody asked.

"Yea!" Sierra giggled. Cody smiled, he didn't like Duncan, so doing this would be kinda fun.


Later, during midnight, Cody and Sierra were hiding behind a wall. Next to the wall, five doors down, was Duncan's room.

"How are we going to get in there?" Cody asked. Then, Gwen opened the door wide and walked away.

"Hurry! Catch the door!" Cody said. Both him and Sierra ran lightly and Sierra caught the door just in time.

"That was close!" Cody breathed, "I'll get the water, hold onto the door."

"Okay!" Sierra whispered cheerfully. Cody headed towards the bathroom nearby, took one of the cups, and filled it up with water.

Step. Step.

Cody thought he heard footsteps, then he shrugged it off and went up to Sierra. Then the two went into Duncan's room. Then Sierra lifted Duncan's arm while Cody dropped Duncan's hand in the water. Sierra started giggling.

Then Duncan sat up in a violent motion, knocking the cup on the floor. He looked at his bed, then Sierra, then Cody. They glanced at each other and both of them broke into a run.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!" Duncan yelled. He closed in on them until he tripped. Cody noticed a shoe behind the wall.


Cody had no time to thank her, he and Sierra saw a closet just ahead. He heard Duncan's footsteps from behind. Sierra opened the closet and pulled Cody in, locking the door.

It was dark, and they heard Duncan banging the door.

"You guys can't stay in there FOREVER. I'm just going to wait till you two COME OUT" Duncan growled.

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