Ashton placed his hand in the small of Luke's back, guiding him towards the wall of stuffed animals with a chuckle filled with adoration. Luke was in heaven, with his heaven. He felt his heart flutter as he thought about how Ashton must've put thought into this, the fact that he knew exactly where Luke would feel happy just made Luke feel so lucky.

"This wasn't a big push over was it? You seemed to love pengy.. and when I came over you didn't have much." Ashton spoke while rubbing his hand down Luke's back, making the boy feel every bit of anxiety from anything in his life leave his mind.

"No, this is.. wow."

Unexpectedly, the blond boy wrapped his arms around Ashton's torso, a large smile on his face, "Thank you Daddy," He whispers against the man.

The older boy chuckled, smiling fondly down at Luke. Ashton knew that everything he was doing was good for Luke, the blue eyed boy needed all of this. It was obvious that the sixteen year old barely received any attention, especially when he got excited over things like this, things that other kids his age would find lame. But Ashton didn't care that Luke was different, he loved the way he acted, and he wouldn't trade him for anything or anyone in the world.

"Why don't you go pick one or two out?" Ashton spoke while placing his hand in the small of the boy's back, giving him a small nudge towards the wall.

Luke hesitated for a moment, he glanced back at Ashton with a worried and scared look plastered across his face, "I-I.."

The hazel eyed boy raised his brow at the younger one, "What's wrong Lukey boy?"

Sadly, the teen's gaze fell to his hands as he mumbled, "I don't have enough money for any of these," He spoke.

Ashton should have guessed that the younger boy assumed he would pay for them himself, it was obvious Luke didn't have enough money, but it was also obvious that the boy didn't like taking money from others. Taking money from other people always made the young boy feel like such a burden, especially when the money was being spent on silly things like stuffed animals.

Growing up, Luke barely got luxuries. When he did ask, he always got a guilt trip that over the years made him scared to ask for anything. Now that Luke was older, he understood why his parents couldn't always give him everything he wanted. It was different with Ashton though, Ashton had money, lots of it, Luke didn't know that though because the boy was so wise with it.

"Angel, you could have all of the money in the world, and I still wouldn't expect you to pay," Ashton speaks while placing a finger on Luke's chin, forcing the boy to lock eyes with him, "Now either you go pick some stuffed animals out right now, or I'll do it for you," Ashton ran his fingers through the smaller boy's fringe, calming him down.

"B-but I need to pay you back somehow.."

Ashton sighed, knowing no matter how much he tried to convince the boy that he didn't need to pay back in any way, the boy would not back down, "Alright, how about this? Once we leave here I'm going to take you to your brother and you're going to make up with him," Ashton spoke with a risk, "Does that sound fair?"

"O-okay.. but are you sure it'll be enough to pay you back?" Luke asked timidly.

"Yes, now go," Ashton said while playfully giving the boy a small push, which caused him to giggle.

Ashton watched as the boy scanned through the stuffed animals, carefully picking them up to look at, then setting them down just as gently. The older boy chuckled as he heard faint "sorrys" being mumbled at the stuffed animals that Luke had put back. He knew he had found a keeper.

Luke glanced down towards the other end of the wall, there were pacifiers, lots of them. They were arranged in a multitude of colors and designs, Luke wanted one so badly, but he had no idea how to ask, and he didnt know if that crossed a line or not and if Ashton would find it to be too much. His thumb was his go to at this point, as unsanitary as it was.

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