"Where's your brother?"I asked

"Wif Daddy in the kitchen."He said

I walked in the kitchen and saw Trey feeding Ash.He looked so yummy.

"Hey."I said to Trey

"Oh hey Mumma made you some breakfast it's in the microwave."Trey said

"Okay."I said and got my food

I heard my phone ringing in my pocket and picked it up to see Druex FaceTime calling me.I picked up and put Xai down.

"Hey baby."I said

"Hey ma how you doing?"He said

"Im good."I smiled

"Good.Hows your family and the boys?"He said

"I think everyone is doing ok.They're here talking and laughing so they're probably good.And the boys are doing very good."I said

"That's good baby."He said

"How's Kam?"I asked

"He good.Getting ready for his basketball game right now."He said

I smiled."Tell him I said good luck."

"I will.I gotta go ma."He said

"Okay.Bye baby.I love you."I said

"I love you too."He said and hung up

I finished eating my food and joined the rest of the family in the living room.My dad was holding Ashton and my sister had Xai in her lap.I smiled.

"How are you baby?"My mama asked

"Im good mama."I said

"How's your little boyfriend?"Daddy asked

"He's fine Dad."I said

Andre and Trey rolled their eyes.

"You guys never like the guys I date."I sighed talking to Andre and my dad

"I mean we're never wrong about them are we?"Andre said

I rolled my eyes."Im a grown woman.I can make my own decisions."

"Welp here we go again."Aaliyah said under her breath

"What you whispering over there?"Andre said

"Everytime yall are together you guys fight.Im so tired of it."She said

I sighed."Well nobody thinks that I am responsible enough to make my own decisions in life."

"Well obviously you aren't!"Andre said

"Look at you Adrienne.You got 2 kids and you not even with they daddy."He said

"Stop."I mumbled

"You with this new nigga that got a kid and a crazy ass babymama.You probably pregnant again right now."He said

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