Chapter 19: It's A Revolution

Start from the beginning

"Anonymous and Apple White are not synonymous," Raven groaned, rolling her eyes.

The headmaster wouldn't stand to be disrespected like this. "Miss Queen! That is-"

"I know, I know, rude and disrespectful, you don't have to yell at me for it, it's a trait that's in my blood and something I can't control and don't say it's what you wanted me to say because I will send my dragon on you," Raven's words escalated in volume and emotion. Her eyes and fists were glowing purple by the end of the statement. Then she returned to normal and her eyes darted to Darling and the Storybook of Legends. "Wait, did you say Dexter's supposed to be the next Good King?"

At this point everyone in the room was looking at Dexter, expecting him to say something.

"What? I'm not crying pshhh," he clearly lied, wiping a tear from behind his glasses.

Raven leaned over in her seat and hugged Dex around his shoulders.

Daring fought the urge to clap loudly for his younger brother. That's all he wanted, to be the Good King and not the Beast. He laughed enthusiastically. "So I guess you have no choice but to let them date now."

"And you, son, what is your excuse?" The Headmaster responded, turning to Daring.

"Excuse me?" Daring asked, confused.

"Excuse you?" Raven repeated, knowing what Grimm meant before he cleared it up. Did she have to explain her points again?

"I have also been notified you have an intent on forming a romantic relationship with Miss Hood." Not a soul in the room questioned where he had gotten that information from. Cough Apple White cough cough.

Daring opened his mouth to respond but was still thinking so said nothing.

Raven prayed he wouldn't say something stupid like "she's hot" or "can't control these lips", that would sure make the group seem professional.

Instead, to Raven's surprise, he agreed with her. "Who I choose to interact with is only my business. My destiny is not in my control, but my life is. Not everyone is born with a destiny, so why should they receive any more freedom to choose who they can associate with than I receive? As Raven said, we should not be bound to live our lives by a bunch of words written on a page."

Headmaster Grimm was losing this battle, so he changed the subject. His voice deepened and the tone got much more serious. Each word out of his mouth had so much power and intimidation it seemed each one was its own sentence. "Charmings, Miss Queen, where is Cerise Hood?"

"She ran away. Okay? I did some stupid things that I shouldn't have and she ran away. You happy now? Didn't you already know all of that? Now would you stop lecturing us and find the girl already?" Daring demanded. When he was finished, he marched out of the room without being excused.

"Seriously," Raven scoffed, grabbing Dexter's hand and leaving also.

"Have a nice day, Mr. Grimm," Darling chirped and smiled mockingly before following her brothers and Raven out.

When the four regrouped down the hall, Raven turned to Darling. "Did you get all that?"

"You bet I did," Darling replied, turning off the recording feature on her voice memo app. Two can play at Apple White's game.

They sent the recorded session with Headmaster Grimm to Cerise's phone. Then they sent it to Apple, and to Cedar Wood, and to Rosabella Beauty, and to Hopper Croakington, and everyone else they knew. The whole school would know of this revolution soon enough.}

I had been trudging through the mushy marshy forest when I received a text on my mirrorphone. Surprised I still had service, I opened it and saw that it was nothing but a voice recording sent from Darling's phone. So I gave it a listen at full volume, assuming I was far enough into the woods that no one would hear.

Sealed in history on the recording are raw confessions from each of my closest friends and more sass master Raven and Daring than I could manage to hold back laughter through. I too shed tears of joy for Dexter, and wanted so badly to hug Darling for her bravery even after being suspended.

I continued through more trees and covered more forest ground as I played and replayed the recording, and decided that maybe, just maybe, if they found me, it wouldn't be so bad.

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