Chapter 19: It's A Revolution

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{Headmaster Grimm did not make a single move, holding a stone-cold stare square on Daring. "We know you know something."

The kids said nothing. Raven tried to challenge Headmaster's stare but he was not lifting his from Daring. He must be trying to marinate him in the guilt. Apple must have told him to.

"We are told she hasn't been seen since the party last night at the Charming estate," Headmaster Grimm continued.

Raven, perhaps braver than Daring himself, cleared her throat to speak. "We don't know where she is, if that's what you're asking."

"Have you told her parents?" Darling asked. She was still concerned, even if she was in the hot seat right now.

"We tried contacting her mother, we're not sure she got our message. There are no records of her father," Headmaster answered.

Darling gulped nervously, realizing she should have paid more attention to what she said before saying it

"Miss Queen, Mr. Charming," Headmaster turned his death stare to Raven and Dexter, "I've been notified you two are in a romantic relationship. You both know that is strictly prohibited at Ever After High."

"What is, dating? So what, who cares," Raven answered confidently, not skipping a single beat.

"A royal and a rebel-" air quote- "dating," air quote. Mr. Grimm is really behind on the times.

"There were only royals and rebels starting this year. Rules don't get approved on the board that fast." Raven had done her research.

"That is none of your business, Ms. Queen."

"Yes it is. Who I want to be in a relationship with is my business, and it's my business only. Because I'm supposed to be the evil queen, I deserve to have a life of torture and constant loss? I don't want to end up like my mom in that stupid mirror," Raven exclaimed.

Dexter was quiet, but he didn't seem to need to say anything to help. Raven's points were sharp and precise.

"I thought your mom was dead," Daring said. Nobody had clued him in on the evil-queen-is-still-alive situation.

"Miss Queen, you are only making this worse for yourself."

Headmaster was so distracted with Raven he didn't notice Darling slip over by the storybook of legends, leafing through the pages to find Dexter's.

She cleared her throat to call attention to herself, and before Headmaster Grimm could chide her, she shared her findings. "I don't mean to interrupt, but, says here that Dexter's destiny is to be the next Good King."

"Miss Charming, I never expected a princess as proper as you to cross such a line. What put this idea in your head, was it Miss Queen?" He shouted angrily, his face reddening.

"My story isn't even a real story. It's made up. There's no way I'll be forced into following it." Darling faltered, but remained on the course of what she wanted to prove.

"Your story is important as are all the others. You will have time to think about this during your academic suspension," the headmaster replied calmly.

"Suspension? Why?" Darling seemed to shrink as her eyes became shiny and an upset blush floating to her cheeks.

"For breaking the boundaries a princess is confined to, my dear. Princesses are never to slay dragons. Such danger is reserved strictly for the Kings and their sons, only." Headmaster said matter-of-factly, seeming to have all the answers to all the questions.

Darling's jaw opened to respond but only a crippling squeak escaped her throat. Her blond brother attempted to fill in for her. "How did you-"

"I received information anonymously."

Mess of a Fantasy (Darise Ever After High Fanfiction) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें