Chapter 8: Throw Caution to the Wind... Or Scream in A Pillow

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I ducked through the open door and smacked right into Darling, busy casually attempting to overhead what was going on outside. We both tumbled over onto the floor and landed flat on our bottoms.

"Oh, curses, Darling! What are you doing?" I sighed, helping her onto her feet.

"Shhh! They're fighting over something!" She encouraged, leaning back against the door frame. "Ooh, wait, you can hear them easy, can't you? Tell me what they're saying!"

I thrust my left hand outward, finding this idea absurd. "No! I will not use my wolfy senses for your personal needs!"

"Don't be selfish!" She pleaded in a hushed voice.

"Let's go, I'm hungry and I need a break," I groaned, turning toward the staircase.

Darling rolled her eyes, but didn't seem upset. "Fine, fine. I'm gonna go tell them we're gonna have a girls night so they won't bother us." She confidently marched out the door, her silver metal (yet, according to her, very comfortable) heeled boots click-clacking on the tile floor. Of course she wasn't upset. Why would a girl's night be a bad thing? "Prepare yourself."

'Prepare yourself' in Darling language is "brush your hair, make sure you don't have nail polish on your nails and change into something comfortable and danceable".

I retreated back to my room and changed into black leggings, a tee shirt, a soft red-hooded flannel and red fuzzy socks with paw print shaped grippies. My nails were definitely polish-free, but could use a serious de-clawing. Darling didn't seem to mind giving me a manicure or pedicure, regardless of how inhuman-like my nails were.

My head still felt congested, puffed up and full yet empty at the same time like a balloon. I flopped on the neatly made bed and screamed a muffled scream. Not sure whether I was angry, or upset, or ecstatic, but all the emotions just flooded out. Screaming was the closest I could go to howling when I'm not home in the Hood's Village. Even there, I wouldn't even think it to be that safe. I'm not exactly a crowd pleaser back home. I cross the line and break all the rules... Just by existing.

When I'm in school, I try to not add to all that. I keep to myself to keep my internal stress at a minimum. Becoming friends with Daring was like throwing caution to the wind. But I never thought much of it and I didn't let it stop me. I never really understood how fate and destiny could unravel such a strange and unforeseen path of events.

This led me to latch on to the idea, with all my strength, that the destinies we've been ingrained to think are our own are not what the world wants for us. Why are we repeating the lives of our ancestors over and over just to say that we're a part of some bigger story? We're already all a part of something bigger, aren't we?

"Cerise? How are you doing?" Darling asked, somehow having turned the diamond doorknob and let herself in with her hands full of makeup, manicure supplies, and hair products. She wore a dark navy Abercrownbie hoodie and white, lavender and black Aerrow leopard-print fuzzy pajama pants. She wasn't wearing socks or slippers on her feet, but was wearing a pair of bow-backed black Ugg boots, unusual in the Springtime.

"Fine. Probably," I lied, turning away from the pillow I was just screaming into.

"I called down to the chef and asked him to make us fudge brownie sundaes. I hope you're hungry!" Darling cheered, settling on the furry white carpet and unzipping a violently large case of nail polish selections. She displayed a number of pinks, reds, and grays for my approval and choice.

"I'm always hungry," I laughed, holding two of the red polishes up to my face to further examine.

"True," Darling laughed along with me, holding out one hand and clutching a pale blue nail file in the other.

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