At first it commanded me to run, but now I was forced to a standstill. I stood to watch two wolves killing each other in front of me, blood was everywhere and their loud growls pierced my ears. I observed the two, one was smaller and has black fur with dirty white paws. It wasn't a good sight, it was thin for it's size and had a scar above it's left eye. It looked distorted and old. The other one was so much bigger and looked years younger and healthier than the other, it has dark... brown... fur...

The hairs behind my neck stood up as I realized that this was the wolf earlier. I'll most definitely blame my instinct if I die today. I wanted to run away from these overgrown dogs, but I can't. I just simply can't because my feet wouldn't coordinate with my brain and walk away. I was frozen on this very spot, I'll probably be dead before the girls or the boys find me. But what about my Mom and Dad, they wouldn't have a clue because for all they know their daughter was at a party, drunk, but completely and utterly safe. Also, what will Dylan and the twins do without my presence? I couldn't just die here today because of my instinct, which may I add is completely and utterly wrong. I was on the verge of bawling my eyes out when I heard whimpers and snaps, in front of me were the sources.

I stared at them, the dark brown wolf's mouth was tightly clamped on the black wolf's neck. Blood was everywhere and it made my sight blurry and my stomach turn upside-down. It was completely disgusting to look at. I was about to close my eyes when I noticed that the black wolf was looking in my direction, specifically at me. And I swear if wolves could smirk, this one could be smirking at me right now. I shivered. But that wasn't the one that made me gasp and turn away and run. It was it's eyes. One was a lifeless pale blue, the right eye. And the left eye was a scary bright yellow.

Again, I found myself running. My heavy steps and frantic breaths echoing in the strangely silent forest, my eyes were tired and blurry but was ironically wide open.

Why did Nick want me to go with Carly? Why did he stay? Why were there wolves? Why specifically at Anthony's house? What am I doing? Why am I talking to myself? Ah, so many questions but very few, actually, no answers

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Why did Nick want me to go with Carly? Why did he stay? Why were there wolves? Why specifically at Anthony's house? What am I doing? Why am I talking to myself? Ah, so many questions but very few, actually, no answers. But most importantly...

Where am I? I think I passed by the same tree 16 times already. Yes, I counted. Oh, you really are something Sky Anderson, amusing yourself after everything that happened the past five minutes or so. I halted to a stop and took in my surroundings. Green, all I could see was green. You should call me impressive though, because in this darkness I still managed to determine the things around me, which were clearly grass, trees and more trees. I sighed, I'm lost. Completely and utterly lost.

A sharp cry of pain escaped my chapped lips when my back collided with the moist ground underneath me, a large mad wolf was pinning me to the ground. No no no, don't panic, don't scream, don't move. I chanted. But I was Sky Anderson, I was a different person in front of my friends and when I'm alone. Also, panic is my middle name.

So... I screamed my head off and wriggled my body to get out of the grasp of the oversized dog on top of me but stopped immediately when it bared it's teeth.

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now