"Oh no, I'm a "bank boy". Don't you think I can get my own apartment."

"What are their names?" He was lying, she knew it.

"Uh..... Brad and Brenda." He improvised.

"Last names?"

"Why do you want their last names?" He asked sighing, knowing what she concluded.

"There's no one here, is there?" She stated more than asked.

"Well, I never found it an issue-"

"You lied to me!" She frustratingly exclaimed.

"You were never gonna let me come if I haven't!" He exclaimed back.

"Of course, I wouldn't let you! But you shouldn't have lied!" She slightly shouted.

"Well, I'm here already! What's the point of this fight? Am I gonna leave now? Do you want me to return?! Do you want me to leave you?" He was right, it was pointless fighting about it now, she knew so, that's why she didn't argue.

He looked over, a questioning look. As if scared she'd have a mental breakdown or suddenly smack his head in the stirring wheel. But she just stared outside her window.

"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I'll sail the world to find you." He started singing.

"Seriously?" She looked over at him.

"Well, there's no way you're gonna be mad at me, so let's sing together like we did 6th grade."

"If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light to guide you." He started again, she smiled this time.

"Find out what we're made OF, when we're called to help our friends in need." He exaggerated in the words causing her to laugh a little.

"You can count on me like 1 2 3, I'll be there and I know when I need it, I can count on you like 4 3 2, you'll be there cuz that's what friends are supposed to do oh yeah, ooooooooh yeah yeah" they sang together this time.

The road continued, and each song pulled another, pulled another until he pulled over in his parking spot.

David's building was much fancier, he never bragged it though, she'd always notice whenever she entered, the cameras and clean mirrors. Mirrors.

She shook it off, and helped David with the ton of suitcases she and he had packed earlier. He fumbled with the keys a little, then unlocked the door

"Welcome home, dear Mia." He welcomed an endearing smile on his restless face that soon vanished in a shock.

There was a voice coming from the phone apparently, someone was recording him a message. Sobs and weakly spoken words that could barely be made out came from the phone. It was David's brother.

David didn't hesitate, he ran to the phone and picked up.

Even though, she didn't hear what they said, the frown on david's face was enough to darken the sun.

She silently put her bags in a vacant room, and waited.

He came in minutes later, sadness plastered all over his face. Drowning his eyes and taking over his features.

"You'll sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch." He said as he took her bags to his bedroom.

"Is he okay?" She asked, facing his back ah she followed him.

"I ... (Clears throat) .. Hope so." His voice was about to crack before he cleared his throat.

This can't be good. She thought.

"David, look at me." It took him a few seconds, then he did.

His face was neutral it was evident he'd put a lot of effort to keep it this way, but his glassy eyes gave it away.

"Yeah" his voice shook a little.

"Tell me Kevin is okay."

His expression fell into one of pain and he turned away from her, a hand wiping at his eyes.

She walked to him and hugged him. By then, he'd buried his face in his hands and his shoulders shook.

"It's her anniversary, she died today 11 years ago, Mia. He still gets those nightmares, there's nothing I could do. I can't make it better Mia, I can't ease his pain." He cried on her shoulder. It was their mom's death anniversary, and she felt stupid for forgetting.

She wanted to say something nice to make him feel better, but nothing could possibly form in her brain. So she patted his back until he pulled away, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his sweater.

"Your jacket, I'm sorry." He pointed toward her shoulder where a puddle of tears was formed.

"No, never mind." She smiled, he smiled back not the usual illuminating smile, a grateful one.

"I'll go to sleep." He dismissed himself to the living room and left Mia in the bedroom.

She sat on the bed, for once leaving all murder/harry related things to think about, and thought about David.

This is how he lived for the past 2 years? No relatives, saddening phonecalls, plain white choking walls. It was like the apartment resembled him, no food, neatly messy, dusty, and abandoned.

He had nothing but Mia, he did all that just to be with her. There's nothing he seems to like about the place except her. She felt very guilty.

Sleepily, she brushed her teeth and was about to leave when,

"Been thinking I won't be able to track you?" The smirk flashed in the mirror.


Here's chp. 4 !!!!
Last chp I inserted emojis and they didn't show up!!!! So gutted. Emojis are life
If you got anything to share, go ahead don't be shy. I'll take it into consideration.
Goodbye tiny readers. See you in chp 5!

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