الهجين القط (one direction fanfic)

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Chapter one - owned 

|niall's POV|

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I knew this would happen, I knew it. 'Be in a band'! They said. 'It'll be fun'! They said. THEY FUCKING LIED! This isn't good! Or fun! Or anything! If I had stayed solo I wouldn't be in this mess. I'd have privacy. I mean, I do love the boys but I need some space! 

"Niall, hurry up!" Liam yelled impatiently. 

"I know, I know!" I called back. 

I quickly put my beanie on as my tail wrapped around my waist. I'm way to stressed to be worrying about keeping my ears down. Sighing, I grabbed my jacket and ran downstairs to the boys. So.. Yes. I'm a hybrid. Cat hybrid. And I'm famous; in the biggest boy band. 

"At last! Come on, we have a concert to prepare for." Liam sighs, relieved when he sees me. 

Once in the van and off to the arena, my stress building up again. This is our last one for our up all night tour thank god. But I'm still terrified. We're going to jumping around and sweating and.. How do I keep my tail from swishing out when I feel like that? Oh god.. I sigh, slumping into the seat. 

Thank god, that's over. At one point I could have sworn Zayn had seen my ears by the way he was staring at my head.. But I checked my hair: my ears were covered. At that moment, my stylist came in.. Nina. She knows about what I am.. She loves it. She always makes me purr by stroking my ears, to calm me down. 

"Hi Niall!" She greets, grinning at me as I let my ears perk up happily. 

"Hey!" I reply, grinning at her. 

"Come on, that tail must be killing." She tuts. 

She didn't hesitate to reach into my boxers and pull my tail out.. Gently of course; she wouldn't hurt me. But I couldn't help but yelp as she reached down my boxers. 

"There," she said, laughing as I blush beet red. "You can relax now. You've got an interview soon.. I know, you've just had a concert, but its a demand from simon. Sorry Ni.. Ill get you a coffee.. Ill just be a moment ok?" 

I nod with a frown. 

"It'll be fine, Ni." She whispers soothingly. 

She gave my ears a quick scratch, causing me to purr, just before she left. 

I let myself relax and enjoy the freedom my ears and tail has at the moment. The feeling made my little purr continue. So, instead of trying to stop the purr like I normally would, I simply closed my eyes and let myself enjoy the feeling. 

I heard the door open and close, but I didn't question why Nina was being quiet. I know she doesn't want to ruin my moment of happiness. 

I felt fingers scratching lightly on my ears, making me purr louder. I simply let my feline instincts take over.. I pushed my head at Nina's hand, indicating she carry on. Which she did. Yay. I squirmed in my chair, purring so much my whole chest vibrates. I felt myself smile as both my ears started getting scratched. Oh god, this is bliss. 

But, then, there was a loud scream and the sound of glass shattering. Startled, I leap out the chair and spinning around. Nina had dropped two cups of coffee.. But.. Zayn. Oh god. Zayn had been scratching my ears. 

"Oh god." I choked out, unintentionally whimpering in fear. 

"Niall-" Zayn started. 

"Get out!" Nina shrieked at Zayn. "Now!" 



Looking rather hurt, Zayn looked to me for help. 

الهجين القط (one direction fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang