Chapter fourteen

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|||Third Person POV|||

In the cabin, Demi walks back and forth, back and forth. She's on her own, ears twitching for anything to indicate the boys returning. Nothing. It's hard for her not to worry, knowing how discrimitive people always are for no reason. Even before people knew she was a hybrid, they hated her and thought her a freak. What, Demi wonders, would they be capable of?

Greg is also pacing. Every now and then, he hears a yelp. He is never sure if it's Niall or Louis, but from the differing sound they're beating both of them. Greg cusses under his breath, furious at himself. Jeff hadn't lied to Niall; Greg truly had agreed to all of this. Yet, somehow, Greg keeps telling himself he was only doing the right thing. He was trying to protect Niall. How could he have known he'd be backstabbed? Even Harry had promised that no one would be hurt. But, at the same time, Greg completely blames himself for it all and is on the brink of a breakdown.

Zayn is sat on a chair, in an interrogation room. His knee bobs up and down. No one else is in the room... Yet. Zayn knows what's happening; they made sure to give him each torturous detail of their plan. Now that their... scheme... has gone to plan, they can do what they want. While Zayn was waiting patiently, expecting the best, they came in to bring any hope he had down.

"We're going to kill Niall," they'd told him. "We'll take some photos, bring them to you and show you what you've done."

They had laughed at Zayns pleading and left him. Three hours he's been sat waiting. At first, he screamed. He cried. He raged. He hit things. Everything he could think would make them pay attention to him, he did. But they didn't come in. They didn't pay any attention.

Harry is the worst of them all. His eyes are wide, as though superglued open. He hasn't moved for at least an hour. He's knelt at a one way, thick mirror. Blood is splattered on the walls of the room Harry can see. His hands are pressed against the window, tears streaming down his face. Sometimes, he screams. Nothing seems to cause it... He just, screams. When the guard outside the room hears the screams, he laughs. Sometimes, the laughter only makes Harry scream more. He's broken, in a way. Harry doesn't think it's his fault. He believes it's his fault. After the years of knowing Louis and growing attatched to him, this is how he repays him? Harry had to watch them torture Louis for half an hour. That's where the blood came from. That's what's causing his mental breakdown.

Louis, however, isn't in pain or dead. He's gawking, like a deer caught in headlights. Niall isn't any better.

|||Niall's POV|||

I can't stop shaking. I don't know whether I'm shocked, scared or still a little angry. I just... I couldn't have though. Surly this isn't real.

"We have to get out of here." Louis finally says.

Numbly, I nod in agreement. After Louis takes the masterkey out Jeff's pocket, we head out from the room shakily. When the guards and other staff see us, they don't try to stop us for obvious reasons. It takes a while, but eventually we gather up the others. They keep looking at me oddly; as though somewhat disgusted. Not that I don't blame them. I'd be disgusted at myself if I were them.

That's when they trail a little too far away from me. I'm walking slow- not on purpose, but I am. They've gone far ahead of me. I can turn and run without them noticing. I could do it right now... And I do. My shoes don't make as much noise as I thought they would and, the little noise that does alert the others, makes them think the guards are finally after them. They hurry into the car and start to drive off. That's when Harry looks round, making eye contact. His eyes widen, but it's already too late. I'm running now and I'm not going to stop. I almost fall down the stairs with how slippery the stairs are getting as I run up them. Blood drips off me... It's not my blood.

|||Louis' POV|||

"We have to find him right now!" I exclaim.

"Calm down-" Harry starts.

"No! For fucks sake, he was already suicidal before all of this dramatic shit! What is there stopping him from killing himself right now?!"

After a bit of cussing of realisation, the group splits up to search for him. On a gut instinct, I head back outside, looking up. And then I see him. Not in any of the windows, some of which are pretty high, but the roof.

الهجين القط (one direction fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz