The Mission to the Land of Waves pt 4

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Sakura POV

The next Morning me, Sasuke, Tanzuna and Kakashi . We left Naruto behind to rest. When we get there to workers was unconscious. Then a mist appeared. Zanzu started talking then sent out water clones. Sasuke was shaking. " It appears this one still trembles." He said. Sasuke smirks. "I trembling with excitement." he said. " He alll yours Sasuke" Kakashi said then Sasuke took out the water clones. " ohhh so you could see there were water clones. The brats improving. It look like you have arrival Haku." he said Haku look at Sasuke then me. " So it sheem. " He said. After a couple words we said to Haku. Sasuke said he be taking him out. We see that Zanzuna and Haku are talking about Sasuke taking out them clones.Then Haku start towards sasuke like a tornado. Then they block each other moves. " Sakura cover Tanzuna I cover you," Kakashi said. ' See your own Sensie see you as weak but Zanzuna and Hau know better. It good thing we know how to cloak our katana or Sensie everyone else be own to us.' babydoll said. I node. Sasuke have a few words then Haku do one hand to do a justu. Only a few people knew how to do that. It two on this bridge. Haku and Me. Then he did this justu with mirrors. Both Haku and Sasuke was in it. Kakashi and Zanzuna start battling leaving me protecting Tanzuna. I see that Haku speed has increase. He send Sasuke kunai out of the mirror justu. I want to help him so bad seeing him like this is not good. ' babydoll I'm letting you take over.' I said and so she did. I took the cloak of my katana. " Forgive me." I said. I presure point him. I pick up Sasuke kunai took off. Sorry Kakashi but I have to do this as a team. I sent his kunai towards him but Haku caught it. Then a shurkien sent him out of the mirror. Naruto finally came. I didn't care now I had to get there. It time show my power. I flash to Sasuke. " Sakura get back to protecting Tanzuna." Kakashi said. I smirk. " look again Sensie." I said. We all look over to see a clone protecting Tanzuna. " Which is it Am I there or here both strong every way. Is it allusion. You pick." I said. Everyone seem shock. " Hmm so one your brats was hiding there true power. It seem no one could see that." Zanzuna said smirking. Ever since this morning I had feeling some one going to die but I not going to let it happen. It every long speech from Naruto. Then he ran inside with us. " Naruto You idiot you should stayed on outside and attack." Sasuke yelled. "All this yelling won't do us any good." I said then Sasuke notice me. " Sakura when did you." he said shock. " Not long before Naruto showed up now get up. You being on ground won't prove anything to your brother if you going to kill him." I said. I had to pump him. " Good job Naruto great timing. What first thing taught us guys." I said. They look confuse for a sec both said. " Teamwork." " That's what we need." I said. Sasuke stood up and we got in our positions. " Hmm cute but time for all you to die." He said. I smirk. ' Babydoll why are you smirking.' Sakura said. Haku sent out the needles again but didn't get scratched. ' WHAT THE HELL GOING ON BABYDOLL' she yelled. Haku notice to. " Curious well I have protective skin like ice to protect me so your moves won't do any good." I said. Then the long battle begin. The needles pin Sasuke skin making fall to ground. Haku start talking to us about shinobi way. Naruto Was holding Sasuke while I laying next to him. Haku found away to get under the protective skin. . Then Naruto charka spiked. " I'm going to kill you." He said. I Know it wasn't going to be him kill him. His look start changing then he continued the battle. He start breaking the mirrors. He then punch Haku out of the mirrors then they start glowing and sharder. Naruto went after him about to punch him but rest his mash fall of making him stop. " It you the guys from the woods." He said . Haku start talking to him about something. He told Naruto his story that he was happy. I knew what he felt everyone of did that didn't mean give up your life for one you care for. Yes you could but not now it has to be in a better way. No one deserve to be use as a got damn weapon. Haku tell Naruto to kill him but he refused. Naruto tell him better ways to show that he strong a shonobi. . I felt it. Death I had stop it. No One deserve to die. I getting up slowly. " I'm not quit ready to die yet." He said. He do a hand sign and disappears. I already knew what he going to do. He going surfice himself for Zanzuna. Then everything happen so fast. Chirdoi, Mirror, Blood. No I was to late but I had chance to do something else. I got down look at Sasuke tears streaming down my face. " Sasuke wake up." I said nudging him. ' NO SASUKE.' sakura said. " Wake up damn it. " I said start sobbing. " You only one that under stood me. What am I going to do when closes thing to me gone. What am I going to do with Naruto and Kakashi they need you... I need you. You told me so much that I always look up to you Sasuke." I said crying on him. " I give anything to have you back ... to do anything for you... If you wake up I stand by your side in revenge of your clan." I said. Tanzuna had woken up a little bit ago look at me laying on Sasuke crying my heart out. Me And Babydoll pain. I was getting one of her Memories of her losing her Mother then her sister. Pain and Sorrow is all I know right now. Naruto trying hold back his tears. I hear The battle end with Kakashi and Zanzuna ended. He talking to that man that made this village it is today. I had to put a end to this crying won't bring back Sasuke or Haku. Be saving everyone on this bridge will even if 'she and Babydoll had to work together'. I stood up look at the man. He kick Haku a couple times and Kakashi had to hold him back but he wasn't going to hold me back. He had thugs to take out Zanzuna but he coward so he ran away while Zanzuna to out the thugs but he getting hurt badly.He end up stabbing him and getting stab himself. " If you so eager to join your friend go head but your not taking me." He said. I flash away in was infront of the man. My charka rise and darken. " He won't be taking you but I will." I said darkly and piss of. I look up taking out my katana. " Sakura Get back now." kakashi said but his words wasn't getting to me. " Even if Zanzuna die he wouldn't be going were Haku will be. You both be going somewhere alot darker and hot. I can just show you my self." I said. I put him under a genjustu I put on the twins. He start screaming. " Welcome to my home hell." I said and smirk. Zanzuna took him out some of his blood got on me but thugs ran away but they wouldn't be getting far. I disappeared. The thugs was running then stop seeing a girl in a black dress. She held out her arms then black birds flew down. Lots of them. " Fest on their souls." she said then the birds turn demonic looking. Ravens. They flew at them tearing them to pieces. She smirk the disappeared without trace. I appear in front of Zanzuna and Haku. I knee down. " Neither you deserve today not yet anyway but if death give you peace so be it but Zanzuna do you want Haku dead or chance of a real Shoniobi life." I said looking over to him. He took a breath look at me. " A chance of a life Sakura. You no genuine I could see that but keep your real full power hiddan." he said. I node look over to Haku. Cadfan flew down to me and had something. I node to him then he lad by haku. I start the justu. I place my hand over him then my hand start glow blue green. I healing him. Then Cadfan place something on his chest that sank down. After a few minutes he gasp sat up. I told him what going on and told him he idoit for what he did that we give Zanzuna a good burial. He node. I got up rush to Sasuke. The clone disappeared then I start holding him again. I start crying again. I had gave Haku sometime alone with Zanzuna for last words. " Sa- ukra its kinda hard to breath with you on top of me." I look up to see Sasuke had said that. I gasp. He alive. " Tanzuna he alive." I said holding him tighter. " Sakura that hurts." he said. I knew it did cause I also had needles pin in my skin still. Sasuke stay up. " What happen to Naruto and.. that guy with the mask. I explain what happen to him after he pass out. I told him that Haku was dead then he cut me off did Naruto did it then I shook my head told him the rest. I told him that Zanzuna gave me his word to bring back Haku. We stood up. " Hey Naruto Sasuke he's all right." I said. He gave Naruto a small wave. The villager show up and start snowing. Naruto start crying. Him And Kakashi he was alive. I flash to Haku. " He want me to go with you guys and join the village." He said. I smirk pull out my hand. " Let's go tell the knuckle head and prev that you okay." I said then he grab my hand. I look up and smile at him. The snowflakes fell on my eyelashes. We walk to see that naruto still crying and Kakashi looking down. " Hey guys look." I said then they look up surprise. We get to them. " hmmm so you crying over me Naruto." Haku said. Naruto noded. " There's no reason now." He said. " But How." Kakashi said. I about say something until. " Zanzuna had his finale justu that bring back the dead." He said. Kakashi node.


We gave Zanzuna a burial like I said we would. I told Kakshi what Zanzuna last wishes was that Haku return with us to join the leaf. " Is that it Kakashi is this the shonobi way being us like tools." I said. I hate asking dumb question but it had to be down so. He explain to us that we some what like tools. I now know what Itachi felt like he just a tool but he did it to protect his home and Sasuke. We all had our say in it. Then naruto told us that he going to make his own Ninja way. We all smirk. Naruto going to be something one day I knew that so did Haku.

Next day...

They finally finish the bridge and we saying our goodbyes. NAruto told them not get chock up that we visit. Naruto and Inari trying not to cry but they in up crying. we start walking our way home. Tanzuna telling Inari that he made him stronger and he made village stronger. One the villagers ask what name the bridge. The great Naruto bridge but on some places was snowflakes. For me. Why not cherry blossoms well I don't have my pink hair anymore I pale like winter and I pure like snowflakes. " When we get back I'm making Iruka-senise buy me ramen then I'm hang out with Sakura. Then tell komahura and kids my adventure." He said. " Hey guy how about I make dinner for the team instead so you see my place and you too haku." I said smirking. They all a greed.

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