She had loved Lady Macguffin like a mother- mostly because her own mother is more interested in having sons than a daughter. When Lilias was born, she was handed off to her fist nursemaid. Most of the time I've known her, she's been handed from nursemaid to nursemaid like an old piece of rubbish. Her father named her for the beautiful lilies that grew near the castle, while her brothers were named for the oak grove her mother spent most of her time in.

"What-what about Hiccup?" I asked.

"He's an only child. His mother died when we were young." Ruffnut said.

"If you don't mind me asking- how?" I asked.

"She was a lot like Hiccup- always trying to help. So, one year, when we were very little, she ran out to help against the dragons. She wasn't carrying any armor, just a sword. In the end, a falling beam struck her." Astrid explained.

"Oh. I thought you were friends with the dragons." I finished braiding Lilias's hair, and she turned to look back at me, having finished Astrid's hair already.

"Hiccup's idea." Ruffnut explained.

"Did you put any flowers in?" Lilias asked. I shook my head.

"No, and I'm not going to. Your hair looks nice."

Lilias smiled at me, then said, "So what are we going to do today besides avoid Hiccup, do each others hair and talk?"

"Throw things?" Ruffnut suggested.

"Dragon training?" Astrid added.

"Shoot things and/or ride off into the forest?" I asked.

"No, someone could get hurt, no, its inevitable to see He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, and besides, Merida and I do not have dragons, no, again, someone could get hurt, especially with my archery skills and no, because that is antisocial and there is nothing to do there." Lilias listed off.

"He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named?" I asked.

"Well, I've decided to treat this like a messy break-up that I did not cause. Again, I am so, so, so sorry for that." Lilias explained.

"Are we going to bring our boyfriends...?" Ruffnut asked.

"No boys. We can spend time with them later, when they aren't all together. Otherwise, he shall be informed, and poor Merida will have to deal with him."

"I'm not an invalid." I pointed out.

"No, you're the princess. Which is why when we leave, you will not leave first. And, we will go shopping!" We all looked at her like she'd grown a second head.

"Shopping?" Astrid, Ruffnut and I repeated as one, shocked.

"Yes! You tomboys need to get out and smell the fresh air, while socializing and not being in activities that could kill people! Also, they'll never check there!" Lilias said brightly.

"The boys aren't enemy spies." Astrid said.

"You don't know that." Lilias said.

"And shopping?" Ruffnut said.

"Why not?" Lilias said brightly.

"Because its shopping. Most likely for clothes. That we will never wear." Astrid said.

"It's fun!"

"Shooting things is fun. Shopping is torture." I exclaimed, before flopping back on my bed.

Lilias frowned. "Tomboys, we must shop. Simply for the reason of leaving this room."

"We want to leave the room!" Ruffnut argued.

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