I held into my tears and I kissed her cheeks and out flowers beside her head

 Me:-I love you Hope please just come back

That’s when I noticed Justin with some guy in a hoddie coming towards the room I quickly kissed Hope again and left feeling my heart hurt for leaving her but am not yet

I went to the cafeteria to get something to eat get my head to stop over thinking.                           I didn’t eat nor did the guys all I kept doing was thinking if Hope’s and if she was ok

I finally convinced the guys to go home and rest, I sat in the waiting room then I could hear people crying or happy over the news they got that’s when I closed my eyes

Hope’s point of view:-

After seeing that bright light coming from outside the car, I don’t remember much after that.         I think it’s been days since am in this dark room.

Sometimes I can hear people talking to me but for some reason I can’t talk back.                        That’s when I had some pain in my heart and slowly there would be this bright light coming towards me.

Mia:- Hope I missed you so much

Me:- where am I ? what happened ?

Dad:- you’re  in the after life

Me:- wait what does that mean I died?

Mum:- yes sweetie you had a heart attack

Me:- but I can’t die, I can’t leave those who I love

Mia:- but didn’t you always want to

Me:- well ya, but that was before I met them

Mum:- Honey you can go back if you want too, but we just want you to know that we love you and that we never left we were always here we have been watching over you everyday

Dad:- don’t ever think your alone

Mia:- just because you can’t see us doesn’t mean were not there

Dad:- we are here all the time in here *points at my heart* and in your dreams

Mum:- and if you listen close you can hear us

Mia:- we love you Angel we always have we always will

Mum:- we will be there when you get your first boyfriend

Mia:- when you go to prom

Dad:- and when you get married

Mum:- and when you have kids we will always be here

I could feel the tears fall and my mum hugging me that warmth she always gave when I hugged her, they all joined in for  the hug and my dad kissed my forehead

Dad:- were so proud of you Honey and we love you so much we love you and Adam ok

My Mum kissed my cheek and my sister hugged me.

Me:- thanks you I love you and I will see you soon I love you

My dad put his hand on my mum shoulder and held my sister close and they slowly faded away

No one’s point of view:-

As Harry was sleeping in the waiting room, the guys driving back to the hospital and Justin sleeping beside Hope

Hope’s heart stopped beating the doctors quickly rush in and get machines ready

Doctor:- clear…… clear…….clear…… clear

Machine:- beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

Doctor:- clear…… clear…….clear…… clear….clear

Nurse:- doctor it’s been 5 minutes

Doctor:- clear……..clear…. clear…clear

Justin:- please wake up Hope don’t leave me, Doctor please don’t give up on her

Doctor:- clear…clear

Machine:- beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, beep, beep, beep

Doctor:- you are one tough cookie Ms. Hope

Hope opened her eyes and looked around she was confused to where she was and who are all of those people

Doctor:- my name is Doctor Sting and you just survived a heart attack

She didn’t say anything but when she laid eyes on Justin

Hope:- Justin

Justin:- yes Angel

Hope:- please don’t let them hurt me

Justin:- they won’t there here to take care of you

The doctors made check up’s on Hope and went out the room to talk to Justin

Doctor:- she will be fine she could move her hands but not her legs the nurse will be here in few minutes to take her to the x-ray room

Justin:- can I go with her she is scared as you can see

Doctor:- of course Mr. Bieber

Justin walked back into the room.

Justin:- Adam was here

Hope:- you saw him?

Justin:- but you can’t tell anyone ok?

Hope:- how long have I been here?

Justin:- few days

Hope:- mmm…. Have you seen the boys?

Justin:- there in the waiting room they never left

Hope:- can….can I see them

Justin:- of course you can

Hope:- mmm…. Justin where is Fredo? Is he ok

Justin:- he is sleeping in the next room to yours

Hope:- did he get hurt?

Justin:- he has a broken leg and arm

Hope:- why are there two cops in front of the door

Justin:- so no Beliebers can come in, it’s for both of our safety

Hope:- is…is Harry with the boys

Justin:- yes he is, he also never left and I think you guys should talk

Hope:- o k

Justin:- hey I will call the guys ok

Hope nodded and Justin kissed her forehead

Justin:- everything will work out I promise


i won't be writing for some time hope you like this chapter love you all

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