Just Hanging Out

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  It was Saturday afternoon and you were walking to Marco's house just like you do every Saturday. You knocked, but no one answered. So, out of curiosity, you opened the door and cautiously walked in. You love Star, but you're afraid of her wand sometimes, after seeing all the things she's done to Marco. You hear a commotion from the back, so you run towards the back door. When you go out the back door, you see Star and Marco fighting monsters. You laugh since this all seems normal to you now. "Y/N!!!!!!" Star yells, forgetting about the monsters, and runs towards you.
"STAR!!!!!" You yell back.
"I haven't seen you since yesterday at school!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, bu-"
"STAR!! A little help!" Marco yelled, interrupting you. You and Star looked over at Marco, who was being beaten up by monsters.
"NARWHAL BLAST!!!" Star yelled and blasted the monsters with narwhals. The monsters then went back to their dimension gloomily.
"Soooo, who wants nachos?" Star asked.
"MEEE" I exclaimed.
"Star, maybe I should make them. You remember what happened last time." Marco said cautiously.
"No, Marco! I can make them like a normal person! Now go wait in my room with y/n." Star insisted. Sighing, Marco led me upstairs to her room.
"How did I never notice that?" I said motioning to her mirror as soon as we got up there.
"I don't know, but it's super fun to make prank calls on. Let's have some fun with it!" Marco exclaimed.

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