Slowly she reached the end of the steps. Pressing her souls onto the ground with more assurance than before. A dreadfully marvelous stone ensemble stared back at her as her eyes slid over the imposing torturous room. Magically draining every ounce of hope from the single inhabitant that dwelled within.

This room was decorated with even harsher ruins than those written in the chambers above. These words promised a fate worse than death, a punishment that dare not be uttered by those that stood inside this cell, from fear they may befall that fate.

In the very back of this cavernous place, kneeled the prince of mischief. Head hung low as his recently adjusted arms were held high above his head by enchanted chains. Outstretched with hands clasped together, legs pulled in tightly to his body, pinned by the ankles to the very same wall.

His lips, she knew, would be sealed, but she stood unprepared for the crazed sight. Cracked and bloody. Thick black thread held together thin, dastardly lips. Sewn like the very clothe that hung precariously off of his malnourished frame.

She walked towards the trickster, breathes leaving her in rapid, animalistic increments.

"Loki." Her voice rang like a harp in the empty void of imprisonment.

Refusing to meet her gaze, or acknowledge her presence in the slightest, he hung there, crouched and sore. Irritated and venomous to any kindness that may present itself.

Taking a single snowy feather from her left wing, with no thought or hesitance, she ripped it from the strong flexing muscle with ease. Kneeling down beside him slowly, clear apprehension and fear evident in her choppy in-fluid movements. She held out the delicate wisp of white with wide, child-like eyes.

"I offer you the key."

Brilliant blue eyes slid up to her destressed facial features. Strong and supple lips quivered as his icy stare scrutinized all that she was. From her strong angelic wings, to her fiery wisps of hair. The true embodiment of her kind.

Looking back at the feather in question, he tilted his head up, glancing at his pale digits with the faintest glint of amusement playing in his brilliant eyes, as if this was some sick joke and his freedom was the punchline.

Slowly, she rose to her feet, sliding the feather in between clasped hands. The effect was almost instantaneous. One of the two guards stationed at the entrance of Loki's cell rushed forward, while the other darted up the stairs with haste.

Stepping forward, the guard released Loki from his chains, first at the ankles, and then at the wrists, leaving his throat clasped tightly in its metal collar until the very end.

Loki lifted his chin and the guard shakily pulled a dagger from his belt, edging it toward the stitches with a reluctant shake.

"That is enough."

Sliding out of the shadows, Odin watched with a disapproving stare. Withering features tired but critical of the situation at hand.

Valhalla swiftly disarmed the guard, holding the blade tightly before her, stepping in front of Loki with magnificent wings extended completely before him.

"No harm shall come to him Odin, he has my pardon."

Stepping forward, Odin scoffed at the young girl, "Pardon? Do you believe that you have any power without my consent child?"

"We shall certainly see, shall we not?"

Pressing the blade against her throat, Odin jumped forward, "No!" Attempting to restrain her before any damage was done.

"I still hold power over you Odin, and if you wish for my line to continue, you will release Loki."

Odin, despite his infinite wisdom and power, seemed to be at a loss. Eye closing as he regarded this new turn of events with an unfiltered, but quiet, rage.

"Your insolence shall cost you dearly." He spat. Saliva spraying through his lips as he fermented in his own fury.

"As will yours Odin. Release Loki."

The shining dagger was still clasped firmly in her hand, pressing gently against the skin of her throat. Warning the King that one misstep could be the downfall of his kingdom; everything he knew and had worked for hung in the balance.

The king, wistfully, did not speak for a long while, looking at Valhalla with an unwavering gaze. "His crimes will end you."

Though she never spoke the words out loud, and though Odin never saw her expression change, they both knew what his words really meant, and it was far from a gentle resignation.

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