Planes, Movies, and Beach Houses

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"Good morning, Sunshine"

"Good morning Alex." Wait. How did he get in my room? And why it he sitting on my bed at, I look at my clock, ten-seventeen in the morning?

"We're leaving for Atlantic City today," he says, "Remember?"

I wonder if I'm still dreaming. I pinch myself just to be sure. "You're kidding me, right?"

"No," Alex says. He smirks, "Our plane leaves in an hour."

"Who let you in here?" I ask.

"Your mom," he says while trying to keep himself from laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You!" he exclaims, "It's already 10:20 and you're no even out of bed yet."

"Because YOU kept me up until two in the morning last night!" I practically shout at him. I push my comforter off of me and stand up. "Happy now?" I ask sarcastically

"Yes actually," he says. I roll my eyes and tell Alex to leave so I can get dressed. I end up having to push him out of my room and lock the door to keep him out.


The plane ride was pretty boring. Alex and I sat next to each other. When we finally arrived at the A.C. International Airport, everything was completely different. We all grabbed our suitcases, rented a SUV, and drove to the James' beach house.

 The house is amazing! It's a small one story house, but it's right on the water and you can walk right onto the boardwalk. Once the car was parked, everyone climbed out of the car and took their suitcases to their rooms to unpack. I was to stay in their guest-room. Can you believe it? I get my own bedroom! The room's a decent size. There's a queen size bed, a dresser with a mirror hanging on the wall above it above it, a walk-in closet, and a plasma screen TV. Wait. A PLASMA screen TV? That must've cost a fortune!

I put my suitcase on top of the bed, unzip it, and begin unpacking everything that  I brought. I hung the shorts and tank tops on hangers and hung them up in the closet. I put my flip-flops by the door. I carefully put my folded pajamas into one of the dresser drawers. I hung my two swimsuits on the doorknob. I looked at the digital-clock on the cable box. It was almost 10:00 at night! I showered and changed into my white splatter paint pajama pants and my black cami top. I brushed my hair and walked back to my room.

"Hey there beautiful." Alex was lying on his stomach in the middle of my bed. "You wanna rent a movie?"

"Sure," I said while i was finger combing my hair. "What do you want to watch?"

"Whatever you want to." He smirks, and then turns his attention back to the plasma.

I smile and jump onto the bed next to him. "Let's watch 'Beastly'"

"Only if you've read the book," Alex teased.

"Not yet," I say honestly.

"Well I don't want to ruin the end for you," he says. There's a flicker of amusement in his eyes. I give him my best death glare. "Alright! I was just messing with you!" I roll my eyes and return my attention to the screen. Lady Gaga's "Vanity" played during the opening scene.

About twenty minutes into the movie, Alex turns down the TV. "What do you think of the house?" he asks me.

"I love it," I say, "This place must've cost a fortune!"

"My mom inherited the house from her parents. We just made the modern updates," he replies.

"Well I'm impressed," I say. Alex starts playing with my hair.

"Is something wrong?" he asks me.

"Now why would you think that?" I turn and look at him.

"You seem distracted," Alex says. He's still twirling my wet hair around his fingers.

"Everything's perfect," I say to him.

"Good," Alex says.

He turns off the TV and rolls on his side so that he's facing me. I roll on my side as well, except I face the wall instead of Alex. He moved his body closer so that he could hug me. I closed my eyes and I eventually fell asleep in Alex's arms.


I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in, lying on my side with Alex asleep next to me. I sit up and look at the cable box. It's 9:00 in the morning. I get out of bed and put on my black, square rimmed reading glasses. I pull my hair up into a loose bun and walk out of my room, careful to close the door quietly behind me.

I tip-toe barefoot into the kitchen to grab a bowl of dry cereal. When I walked into the kitchen, i noticed that it smelled like chocolate. I walked over to the table and saw that Mrs. James had left a note for Alex and me that read,

I saved some pancakes for you guys. Enjoy! We'll be out on the beach if you need us.

"At least she left a note this time."

I jumped and turned around. "Alex!" I yelled when I saw who it was. I punched him on his arm. Hard.

"Ow," he said, "I didn't know you could punch that hard."

"Don't sneak up on me!" I scolded him, "You know I hate that!"

"I'm sorry," Alex said, "I'll heat up the pancakes, and you," he ruffled my hair, "Go get ready for the beach."

I cross my arms, pop one of my hips, and stare at him. He looks at me, smiles and says, "You can't stay mad at me forever."

I roll my eyes and go to my room. I put on my purple paisley swimsuit, and pull my hair into a low side braid. I grab my beach bag and tie-dye sunglasses.

"Are the pancakes ready?" I ask Alex as I walk past the kitchen.

"Yep," Alex says. He hands me a plate with a pancake on it. I sit down and begin to eat my chocolate chip pancake as I think about what SPF sunscreen to wear. I wish that life was always so simple.


Sorry this chapter was so short! I thought that this would be a pretty good place to end the chapter. Feel free to comment or vote!

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