I'm coming home.

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"Excuse me, Sir, we will be landing shortly could you put on your seatbelt?" I looked up at the blonde haired woman who asked me. She was the flight attendant from earlier that was welcoming everyone who got on the plane. She had pretty brown eyes and hair in a professional secretary bun with a blue ribbon tied around it making her look like a real-life older barbie doll. I smiled and nodded at her too tired and restless to say anything else. She gave me a charming smile and went on her way.

Mike and Tom, on the other hand, were trying to make the baby in front of us laugh. Their childish antics reminded me of the times I played with my baby sister. I couldn't help but let out a humorous chuckle at the memories.

I looked out through the window and felt that stupid grin come back on my face as I thought about my mother and my little sister. My little sister was petite and a natural blonde just like our mom. She was what you would call a bookworm. Her favorite place to read was at our local cafe Blue Jean's. My memories of her were there hanging out with the book club and her friends. 

Though there was this kid that always followed my sister around. A smirk overcame me as I remembered how many times I kicked his stalker ass. When my mom found out that I beat up the "poor boy" she grounded me then forced me to apologize to him. Instead of doing that I threatened him. Then my hug goodbye might have looked friendly however I was squeezing the living daylights out of him. The lights on the airplane signaling for landing came on. I could already feel the softness of my king-sized bed. Mike and Tom started to collect their mountains of water bottles to throw away to the charming ladies in blues. 

 I closed my eyes to regain some peace. For some reason, I think I'm going to need it.  

Military Alpha Mate(Boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora