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As soon as the bell rings Calum and Michael leave the room leaving Miss Dawn and I alone.

"Yes, Luke?" She asks walking over to me.

"I um, I was wondering, ifyouwantedtogetfoodsometime?"

"I don't know, we could get in trouble."

"You can tutor me too. That way it's still school related."

"I will have to check my calendar. I'll let you know tomorrow by email." She smiles.

"Okay, have a great night."

"You too, Luke." I walk out of the door smiling big.


Hey guyz! Do you like this thing so far? Vote if so. One more thing, I love when people comment hilarious stuff and so does other people, so comment funny things to make other people laugh. When I get comments the funniest one will get a shout out.

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