"Why was she over here?"Luke asks sitting down next to me.

"She was just giving me something."

"Dang Cal, get some."

"It was my wallet you butt plug." I say slapping his arm.

"Ow, Cal, that hurt." He says rubbing his arm.

"Stop hitting on Luke." Michael says sitting down.

"Yeah, go hit on the new girl, not me."

"You like the new girl?" Michael laughs.

"She was just giving me my wallet!"

"I heard you say her eyes were beautiful." Luke chuckles.

"At least I don't hit on my English teacher."

"I do not!" He yells, his face turning red.

"Well, I caught you looking down her shirt."Michael chuckles.

"Have you seen them?!"

"I heard she likes you." Michael says.

"Really? How much?" Luke asks excitedly.

"Told you." I laugh.

"I hate you guys."

"Love you too Lukester."

"She's only a couple years older, also, I am turning eighteen soon."

"I dare you to ask her out then." Michael says.


"He's too much of a wussy." I laugh, teasing Luke.

"Yeah, I bet he can't do it."

"Yeah I can!"

"We all have her next, ask her then." I say.

"I will."



Michael, Luke, and I walk into English sitting down in our usual seats.

"You should ask her to sit with us." Michael says pointing to Constellation.

"Hey, Stell." I call over to her. Michael whispers a good job and pats my back.


"Would you like to sit by us?"

"Sure." She says walking over and sitting by me.

"How's your day so far?"

"It's okay, boring, but okay."

"That's good." I look over and see Michael texting.

"Who's the lucky one?"

"It's Ashton."

"Oh, is he coming to practice?"



"Do you need help with any classes?" I ask turning to Stell.

"A little bit."

"I can help you, that is if you want me to."

"Really?" She smiles. I notice two pointy teeth.

"Yeah, I can't help you tonight, will tomorrow work?"

"Sounds great."

"Cool. What time?"

"How about the park 12:00 PM?"

"Sounds good." I smile.

Dangerous ~ Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now