I still felt dizzy, the room span a little as I sat up slowly reaching for the bottle of water beside the bed. It was still a little cool and if I was quiet I could hear Jamie laughing loudly downstairs above the whirring of the AC in the room.

I could feel the cool edge of the air in the room against my skin but somehow I still felt burning hot.

I must've sat with my head in my hands for at least 15 minutes trying to get the dizziness to fade. It did a little and as soon as I lifted my head I heard hushed voices and quiet laughs from outside the door. The handle rattled for a few moments before the door swung open slowly revealing Jamie stood outside the door, Justin just behind him both with nervous smiles on their faces.

My heart filled with warmth and for a moment I wished I had a photo because the happiness which was coming from them both was amazing. As soon as Justin saw me his smile faltered a little, he was carrying a tray filled with things I like as Janie jumped on the bed and Justin placed the tray at the bottom of the bed. "We brought you some stuff. Are you feeling any better?" Justin asked as I shrugged quietly. "Where's your medicine to make the sickness a bit better?" He asked as I shook my head.

"They're not helping I took them already." I shrug hoping Justin would understand I still feel as shitty.

"Baby, you're burning up." Justin mumbles his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll be okay, It'll pass...eventually." I murmur feeling my cheeks heat up a little. I don't like being like this in front of Justin. I feel so helpless and he's more than willing to look after me but...I just feel crappy.

I bite my lip nervously reaching for the tray at the bottom of the bed. There was loads I'd usually love to eat on neat little white plates and bowls. Steam flowed from a mug of peppermint tea (something my midwife had recommended for when I'm sick) as well as a glass of crandberry juice filled with small ice cubes to keep it cool. There was also some toast, done lightly the way I liked it with a little butter on along with a bowl of fresh multicoloured fruit which had me wishing I could just shove it all in my face. I picked a small slice of apple first, taking my time on munching through the things Justin and Jamie had prepared whilst listening to them talk quietly.

I learned a while ago that it's better to eat if I'm feeling sick because then at least I'm getting some tiny amount of energy into my body. Thinking it through more, that's probably why Justin's done all of this.

"Thank you." I say quietly patting the spot beside me for Justin to sit properly because right now he was sitting on the edge of the bed and I felt slightly bad. I picked up a strawberry out of the bowl of fruit glancing at Justin as he passed the TV remote to Jamie. "We need to think of a more annoying name than marshmallow so it  fits their character." I complain a small smile on my lips as Justin chuckles at me shrugging a little.

"What about names?" Justin asked his tongue flicking against his lower lip.

"I'm not even four months, we have plenty of time to plan." I dismiss quickly as Justin shakes his head.

"Not really, I mean, c'mon...you've got to have at least one idea for a name? One boys and one girls?" Justin challenges raising his eyebrows at me as I hum thinking of what I could actually say.

"Rose or Hanna for a girl or Joe for a boy." I say quickly trying not to put too much thought into it because if I really started thinking Justin might not get an answer at all - or at lest not this century.

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