Ignoring me why? Part 2

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Previously on people change memories don't
"what promise" I stared at him and said" I said in that letter to forget me but you didn't you remember me you were suppose to forget me I said FORGET ME" I ended up yelling the last bit and got out of his grip and ran ran for my life but what was I suppose to do I was terrified seeing him again I didn't want to face all the hatred he probably had on me because I left him without even telling him 'I'm so selfish' I thought.

Sharks pov
'Forget her how could i forget the girl I've ever loved other then rio I would never forget her no matter how much she wants me to, it's not gonna happen' I thought "that's it tomorrow I'm gonna set everything straight" i said to myself.

Time skip
Next day
Saharas pov
I woke up to my alarm clock beeping I couldn't sleep at all last night I kept having nightmares of him so after the third one I just decided to not sleep at all and that was at 1 in the morning now it's 7:45 "err why" I groaned I really didn't want to go to school today I didn't want to see him after what happened yesterday "come on Sahara it's time for school" I heard my dad say.

Time skip to school cause I can't be bothered

Saharas pov
I was walking around the school until some kid came up bumping into me "oh I'm so sorry miss" he spoke "no it's ok" I replied "here let me help you" "thank you" I looked at him once he finished helping me up he had red and black hair that were spiked up he was a first year to "my names Yuma" he responded knocking me out of my thoughts "twilight" I replied shaking his hand "oh yeah wait aren't you that super star or something" he asked abit clueless "yeah" I replied sheepish rubbing the back of my neck "oh yeah that's cool do you get a lot of food" "huh well yeah I guess" I'm surprised he hasn't asked for an autograph or something "sweet" he gave me a big grin which I smiled back "hey Yuma" I heard a chick call out to him "oh tori over here" "yuma you should watch were your going you could oh my god" 'oh great she's one' I thought "your twilight tenshi omg omg omg can I have your autograph and picture please I'm your biggest fan" she pleaded holding out her tablet 'I really don't like this chick' i thought "sorry I don't feel like giving autographs today I'll see you around Yuma" I replied "oh ok never mind that's ok " the girl replied "ok see ya twilight" yuma yelled back I just kept walking until I bumped into someone "Sahara is that you" that voice "rio omg RIO" I squealed as we both ran into each other's embrace "I've missed you so much" I said into her shoulder "me to" she replied "but not as much as shark have you said hi to him yet" she asked "umm well I have talked to him if that's what your meaning" "you know I already know what happened yesterday" I just looked to the ground "look Sahara over these past years all he's been doing is fighting crushing girls hearts because they were no where near the one girl that he thought was perfect and the one girl he loved he's been crying almost every night because he's either stressed or confused mostly because he's just sad all the time and you know who that girl is" she asked I didn't say anything I just stood there I could feel tears coming up "that girl was you Sahara" I shot my head up shocked "m me" she gave me a sad smile I made him feel like that I couldn't handle it anymore I ran away as tears were running down my face 'i need to find him' I thought I ran around the whole school but as I was running outside I saw the one boy I was looking for siting on top of a water tower I paused as I looked up at him he hasn't noticed me he seems to be thinking "SHARK" I yell "SHARK" I try tell again but my voice goes a little crackly

Sharks pov
I heard someone calling my name so I looked down to see the one girl  I was hoping to see standing there "SHARK PLEASE LISTEN IM SO SORRY *sniff*" wait is she crying why is she crying and what is she sorry about "LOOK IM SORRY I LEFT YOU I WAS SO SELFISH BUT I DIDNT KNOW HOW ELSE TO SAY GOODBYE AND IM SORRY FOR HURTING YOU ALL THESE YEARS IM THE WORST FRIEND EVER PLEASE FORGIVE ME" once she finished saying that she had dropped to her hands and  knees I was surprised at what she said and because of her yelling there was now a big crowd around us I jumped down from my spot and walked over to her

Saharas pov
I heard the sound of foot steps then I felt someone's arms around me I flinched abit but once I saw it was shark I calmed down and melted into the hug wrapping my arms around his waist hiding my face in his chest but what happened next surprised me he had lifted my chin up so now we were looking in each other's eyes and he gave me a kiss on the cheek "I forgive you you know why" I just shook my head trying to hide the blush on my face "because you came back" and with that we hugged again we stood up and once we stood up we heard people clapping and cheering did I really cause this much of a scene I thought I just shrugged and we walked off to class together laughing and telling jokes like old times

Sorry for the short chapter working on the next one hopefully will be longer and I'm afraid this story is nearing its end to maybe another 10 chapters or so 😥 but this is when things get heated so keep reading and comment to thanks

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