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Sharks pov
I went to go visit my childhood friend today like I would do every other day her name was Sahara I've known her since I was 5 yrs old she had dark violet eyes and long black hair that went down to her waist and the most gentle smile I had ever seen she was one of a kind I would always try protect her but that's because she's my friend right....?.

Anyways I'm now at her house 'I wonder if she's awake' I thought to myself, then cautiously knocked on the door but no answer I knocked a couple more times but still no answer I peerd through the window to see that the house was all dark and gloomy "what the?." I questioned myself "hmmm" I walked to the back door because I know that door is always unlocked and to no surprise it was unlocked I walked in looking around the house it was all empty totally clean there was no furniture or anything.

After a while I decided to head upstairs to where Saharas room is I opend the door to find nothing but a note on the floor in the centre of the room I was now entirely and utterly confused I went and picked up the note and started reading.

To Regionald
If your reading this note that means that you've gone to my house and seen everything gone including me I'm really sorry for not telling you this before I just didn't want to see all the pain and sadness in those beautiful blue eyes of yours knowing that I was the cause of it because that's not the Regionald I want to remember I've moved to America due to dad's work I'm really sorry please tell everyone I said bye and I'll miss you's all especially you sharky please do me a favour forget me will ya it'll be good for you to go and make some new friends without me there holding you back anymore, there's also something I've been meaning to tell you but never got the chance shark *sniff* I love you always have since the day I met you and most probably always will I'm sorry shark......bye
<3 Sahara

I stood there tears flowing out of my eyes not only hitting the note were I had seen some other tears probably hers but also hitting the floor one after the other echoing through out the abandond room that once held all of Saharas belongings along with Sahara, I punched the wall out of anger,sadness, pain, sorrow, frustration but most of all betrayal I felt betrayed that she just left me like that without saying a thing i thought we were best friends we told each other everything and when I say everything I mean everything but obviously not and then telling me that she loves me through a letter made me even more angry because I felt the same way but never had the guts to tell her now I feel like I've lost 1/2 my heart,1/2 my soul, 1/2 of me I mean she completed me she was my other half and now she's gone.

But that was 3yrs ago ever since then I've changed.


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