The concert part 3

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Saharas pov
"OK PEOPLE" I shouted in the mic
Gaining everyone's attention "I NEED TWO GUITARISTS WHO HERE CAN PLAY ELECTRIC" I shouted but no one answered "ANYONE" I was looking around the crowd when someone shouted out something " excuse me what was that"
After that my eyes widened

Sharks pov
"SHARK HE PLAYS GO ON SHARK" I heard some one shout I was looking around for that person when I heard someone else shout out something to
"YEAH GO SHARK ROCK ON " "YEAH SHARK SHARK SHARK SHARK" suddenly everyone was cheering.

Saharas pov
After hearing everyone cheer for shark I decided to give in "OK OK OK SECURITY GO GET SHARK PLEASE SHARK YOU MAY WANT TO PUT YOUR HAND UP THANKS"

Sharks pov
I put my hand up and the guard came and grabbed me he gave me an electric guitar and passed me the music sheet "that's what your playing" he said
"Thanks"I retorted and walked up on stage when everyone saw me they started cheering and yelling things out like 'rock on or congrats' just crap like that but I didn't care I walked up to the front and took a glance at the music sheet.

Saharas pov
"OK ANYONE ELSE NO OK LOOKS LIKE ILL HAVE TO PLAY TOO THEN FRANK CHUCK UP MY GUITAR THANKS" I asked my security guard my guitar is a dragons head for the body and it looks like it's swallowing the neck of the guitar " thanks frank"
"1 2 1234 LETS ROCK"
Then I started playing my next song along with shark which was (Still into you by paramore)

I shouted out to the crowd while putting up the peace sight and giving a wink.

I walked off the stage and went to the back to see all the VIPs I started walking over to the table to sign autographs or take photos when I heard a familiar voice in the back I turned to see shark trying to push past some security guards I had to talk to him at some point but I really didn't want to see his face right now.

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