My mother is a great woman, don't get me wrong. I love her to death. But she's pushed my brother and I to be independent since the moment we could walk. She's only ever wanted us to succeed in life. Just without her in the picture. The only time I go and visit her is Christmas. Other than that, I'm not exactly welcomed.

"School's fine. The quarter is almost over," I reply.

"How're your grades looking?"

I heard banging pots in the background and I'm sure she was hosting some sort of work related breakfast this morning. She always used to do that.

"They're good. I got an A on my last essay in English," I inform.

"That's good, honey." She sounded distracted.

I ask about her boyfriend. "How's Ian?"

"He's busy at work, as always. Listen, honey, I need to tell you something."

Well, this is new.

"Hold on," I say.

I take the pump out my car and put it back. Then, I get in my car and hook my phone to the Bluetooth, starting my way to the gym.

"Okay, what is it?" I question.

"Your father is back."

My blood ran ice cold. Way to drop a fucking bomb, Mom.

"O-oh my god," I blurt.

"He wants to meet up with you s -"

"No. I-I can't. Mom, it's been fifteen years. Tell him no!"

"Norah. I'm only the messenger. You can talk to him yourself. I'll send you his number -"

"Mom. This is the man who left us fifteen years ago. This is insane. And I'm sure as hell not going without Evan."

That man may have left us to serve our country, but we at least deserved an explanation for why he left so suddenly. We deserved a lot more than a letter in the mail two years after he abandoned his apartment, telling us that he was at a base in Hawaii.

"Norah Leanne, stop interrupting me," my mom snapped.

I stay silent. I was getting frustrated and I knew better than to let my anger out on my mother.

"Jack left a voicemail this morning and told me that he was in Milwaukee. He says he knows Evan is still across seas, but he wants to see you. I don't care what you decide, but you need to hear him out. I'll send you his phone number, okay?"

Breathe in. Breathe out.

"Okay. I love you, Mom."

"Bye, Norah."

She hangs up.

My mother, ladies and gentlemen.


"Hey, sweetie, how're you?" Cecilia, my coworker, asks. She was a forty-six year old woman, and the wife of the owner.

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